
  • 网络Kingdom of Israel
  1. 其子罗霍博姆(Rehoboam)继位后,北部部落分离出去,形成以色列王国,结束了所罗门帝国的辉煌。

    After the ascension to the throne of his son Rehoboam , the northern tribes seceded and formed their own kingdom of Israel , bringing an end to Solomon 's empire .

  2. 但要是歌利亚杀了他的敌手,以色列王国也得比照办理。

    But if Goliath killed his enemy , then the Kingdom of Israel had to do the same .

  3. 他死以后,他的王国的北部脱离耶路撒冷,成为独立的以色列王国。

    At his death the northern part of his kingdom broke off from Jerusalem and became the independent kingdom of israel .

  4. 两千年前于以色列王国中,腓力斯军队开拔至以拉峡谷中扎营。

    Two thousand years ago in the Kingdom of Israel , the Philistine army marched into the valley of Elah and set up camp .

  5. 在巴比伦人审判时期以后,神把一些他的子民带回迦南地。他们开始了以色列王国的复兴。

    After the Babylonian Judgment God brought back a few of his people to the land of Canaan . They began the restoration of the kingdom of Israel .

  6. 犹大就成了主的圣所,以色列成了他的王国。

    [ KJV ] Judah was his sanctuary , and Israel his dominion .