
  • 网络The Negev Desert;Negev
  1. 希勒尔在20世纪50年代作为领航者在以色列的内盖夫沙漠旱地农业开始实施滴灌。

    Hillel got his start in dryland farming as a pioneer in Israel 's Negev Desert in the 1950s .

  2. 由于使用了灌溉法,犹太人将内盖夫沙漠的部分地区变成了肥沃的良田。

    By using irrigation , the Israelis have turned parts of the Negev Desert into a land of milk and honey .

  3. 一家名为努尔能源的公司计划通过建立类似于以色列内盖夫沙漠向日性镜子的太阳能电厂获取太阳能。

    A company called Nur Energy plans to capture some of it by building a solar plant similar to an Israeli one in the Negev desert that uses heliotropic mirrors .