
  • 网络caches;proxy cache;proxy caching
  1. 动态流媒体代理缓存及调度方法设计

    The Design of Dynamic Streaming Media Proxy Cache and Scheduling Method

  2. 多媒体代理缓存是提高媒体流化质量和减轻网络负载的重要手段。

    Multimedia proxy cache is an efficient technique to improve the quality of service of streaming multimedia and reduce network traffic .

  3. 基于Internet的代理缓存技术的研究

    Research on Proxy Caching Techniques for the Internet

  4. Web代理缓存技术是克服这些问题的最有效的方法。

    Proxy caching technology of web is the most effective way to overcome these problems .

  5. 一种有效的Web代理缓存替换算法

    Effective Web Proxy Cache Replacement Algorithm

  6. Web代理缓存技术是改善网络性能,缓解网络瓶颈最有效的方法。

    Proxy Cache is the most important technique to solve the Web traffic and relax net bottleneck .

  7. 以Internet为载体的流媒体代理缓存的研究已成为流媒体传输中的一个新的研究领域。

    And proxy cache of streaming media , which based on Internet has become a new research field .

  8. 管理代理缓存ARM数据,并将其发送到管理服务器。

    The management agent caches the ARM data and sends it to the management server .

  9. 基于P2P协作的代理缓存流媒体调度算法研究

    Research on Proxy-Caching Scheduler Based on P2P Cooperation

  10. 基于哈希链表和时间链表的HTTP代理缓存机制的实现

    Implement of Http Proxy ′ s Cache Mechanism Based on Hash Link-Table and Time Link-Table

  11. 文中重点讨论了以下几个关键问题:①流媒体内容分发网络CDN(ContentDistributionNetwork)中的代理缓存技术。

    This dissertation emphasize on discussing these important problems : ① Proxy cache technology of Content Distribution Network ( CDN ) for streaming media .

  12. 随着流媒体技术在互联网上的广泛应用,原有用于加速Web内容分发的代理缓存技术也被应用于流媒体内容分发领域。

    With the widespread uses of the streaming technology over Internet , proxy caching has been introduced to the area of media streaming from that of Web content distribution .

  13. IPTV媒体分发技术之一&代理缓存

    One of IPTV Media Delivery Techniques & Proxy Caching

  14. 网络代理缓存Squid存储系统分析

    Analysis on the Storage System of Web Proxy Cache Squid

  15. Varnish和Squid是两个开放源码的前端代理缓存。

    Two Open Source front end proxy caches are Varnish and Squid .

  16. VOD集群代理缓存系统中缓存技术的研究

    A Study of Cache in Cluster-based VOD Proxy

  17. 此外,HTTP代理缓存可以根据URL正确地缓存相同门户页面的不同状态。

    Also , HTTP proxy caches can correctly cache different states of the same portal page depending on the URL .

  18. 代理缓存可以降低用户的启动延迟,减轻网络流量和服务器的负载,且在Web中也已广泛使用。

    The proxy caching mechanism is widely used in WWW systems , it offers low-delay data delivery and alleviates the network flow or server load by means of " proxy server " .

  19. Web应用程序前面的代理缓存根据各个部分重新组装最终的文档,负责缓存一些组件并为其他组件发出请求。

    The proxy cache in front of your Web application reassembles the final document based on the parts , and is responsible for caching some components and making the request for others .

  20. VOD系统的最优代理缓存方案

    Optimal Proxy-Caching Scheme for VOD Systems

  21. 提出了一种在流媒体服务器中增加额外的代理缓存的方法,对流媒体传输中的QoS进行了改善。

    The article put forward a way that is using additional agential cache in flow media server what is improved the QoS in the transport of flow media .

  22. 一种有资源适应性的transcoding代理缓存机制

    A Resource-Adaptive Transcoding Proxy Caching Mechanism

  23. 通过和SQUID的实时通信并借鉴其缓存替换策略,流媒体代理缓存能够有效地实现。

    Streaming media cache can be implemented efficiently by communicating with SQUID and utilizing caching replacement policies of SQUID .

  24. 分析了在Internet上进行实时视频流传输的不足,提出了将层次编码技术与代理缓存技术相结合的方法,对基于层次编码的缓存预取方法和替换方法进行了研究。

    Analyzes the disadvantages of real-time video transport over the Internet , proposes the solution of integrating the technology of layered encoding and proxy caching , studies the prefetching method and replacement method of proxy caching based on the layered encoding .

  25. 由于静态文件通常保存在HTTP服务器或代理缓存上的门户系统之外,所以,此处我们将主要讨论“真正的”HTML标记大小。

    Since the static files are typically stored outside the portal system on HTTP servers or proxy caches , we will concentrate here on the " real " HTML markup size .

  26. Quercus文档指出,Quercus在Resin应用服务器之上运行,利用了负载平衡、代理缓存等Resin特性。

    The Quercus documentation mentions that it runs on top of the Resin application server and takes advantage of Resin features like load balancing , proxy caching , and so on .

  27. 基于MOC策略的流媒体代理缓存系统的设计,并对其实现的关键技术进行了深入探讨。

    Design of cache system for streaming media based on MOC strategy , discuss the key technology deeply .

  28. 文章在对开放源代码的网络代理缓存&Squid源代码深入分析的基础上,阐述了Squid存储系统的实现机制。

    Based on the analysis of the source code of Web proxy cache Squid , this paper mainly presents the implementation mechanism of storage system of Squid .

  29. 讨论基于Internet的代理缓存的目标、性质和工作原理,从而论述了代理缓存技术成为解决Web访问速度慢、服务器负载重和网络阻塞等问题的主流技术的原因。

    The objective , characteristics and work principle of proxy cache for the Internet are discussed , which show that proxy cache is the main and effective technique to solve some key issues of Web such as slow access speed , sever overloading and network congestion .

  30. 由于我使用了缺省拒绝设计,因此会自动拒绝任何从因特网到非公共服务(如squid代理缓存或Samba服务器)的连接。

    Since I used a deny-by-default design , any from-Internet connections to non-public services , such as the squid proxy cache or Samba server , are automatically rejected .