
jīn yīn
  • modern pronunciation of Chinese characters;modern(as distinct from classical)pronunciation of Chinese characters
今音 [jīn yīn]
  • [modern(as distinct from classical)pronunciation of Chinese characters]指现代语音。指以切韵、广韵等韵书为代表的隋唐音,跟以诗经押韵,说文谐音等为代表的古音(周秦音)相对

今音[jīn yīn]
  1. 本文的研究主要分为两个步骤:一是对600个汉字的古今读音进行对比,二是用从中古到今音的音变规律去衡量每个今音。

    This study is divided into two steps : first 600 characters of ancient and modern pronunciation comparison , the second is from the Middle Ages to the sound change rules notated according notated according to measure each .