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  1. 这种结合,一改以往古瓷只在收藏爱好者圈内流动的局面,面向了上亿人的首饰消费市场。

    Porcelain Love 's creation totally changes antique ancient porcelain chip only be collected and cherished within collector circle , but open the window to the whole jewellery fashion market .

  2. 他趁没人时把首饰藏了起来。

    He hid the jewels when nobody was by .

  3. 首先,我们并没有看到惊艳的发带或者是一套傲人的珠宝首饰。

    For starters , there 's not a headband or haughty set of pearls in sight .

  4. 景德镇陶瓷首饰正处于兴起的阶段,再加上陶瓷首饰的易操作、成本低,吸引了较多人从事陶瓷首饰制作、出售。

    Jingdezhen ceramic jewelry is in the rise of the stage , together with ceramic jewelry and easy to operate , low cost , has attracted more people engaged in ceramic jewelry production , sale .

  5. 有些人喜欢把金首饰戴在胳膊上。

    Some people like to wear gold things on their arms .

  6. 其他人都会佩带首饰。

    Everybody else will be wearing jewellery .

  7. 皮拉表示,随着失业数据飙升至两位数,更多的人把他们的首饰直接带到了他的店里。

    Mr Peera says that as jobless figures have soared into double digits , more people are bringing their jewellery directly to his shop .