
  • 网络artificial life;Synthetic life
  1. 去年5月,美国人类基因组学先锋兼企业家克雷格•文特尔(CraigVenter)宣布制造出了第一种人造生命,当时合成生物学成为了头条新闻。

    Synthetic biology hit the headlines in May last year when Craig Venter , the US human genome pioneer and entrepreneur , announced the first artificial life form .

  2. 科学家会创造出人造生命吗?

    Will scientists create artificial life ?

  3. 创造出人造生命的说法,被贬为扮演上帝之举。

    The claim to have created synthetic life has been characterised pejoratively as playing God .

  4. 面对此种担忧以及有关创造人造生命的准宗教伦理问题许多合成生物学家正做出巨大努力,向公众解释自己的研究工作,并与批评者接触。

    In the face of such concerns and quasi-religious ethical issues about creating artificial life many synthetic biologists are making a big effort to explain their research to the public and engage with critics .

  5. 毕竟,计算机病毒是人造形式的生命。

    After all , computer viruses are forms of artificial life .

  6. 人造美女的生命伦理学思考

    Bioethics Problems of Artificial Belle