
  • 网络life value
  1. 合理渗透STS教育理念,培养学生正确的科学态度人生价值观;落实综合实践活动课,加强学生科学知识的综合运用能力。

    Penetrate the STS education idea reasonably and cultivate students ' correct scientific attitude and life values ; Implement comprehensive practical activities to strengthen students ' scientific knowledge and comprehensive utilization ability .

  2. 但由于不同类型大学生所处的具体环境不同,他们的人生价值观又将存在一定的差异,从而表现为当代大学生人生价值观的差异性。

    It is helpful to the college students ' life values .

  3. 论中国古代人生价值观及其现代意义

    On Values of Life in Ancient China and Their Modern Significance

  4. 在这种矛盾冲突中又体现了不确定性的人生价值观和生存处境。

    This contradiction embodied uncertain life value idea and excising state .

  5. 功利主义主导下的人生价值观

    The Outlook on Value of Life under the Control of Utilitarianism

  6. 和谐社会生活方式与和谐人生价值观

    The Lifestyle of a Harmonious Society and Harmonious Values of Life

  7. 祭祀礼仪中的人生价值观

    Outlooks on Life and Concepts of Value in Sacrifice Rites

  8. 大学生人生价值观现状透视

    The Present State of Value Ideas of the University Students

  9. 对人生价值观几个关系的辩证分析

    Dialectic Analyses of Several Relationships on the Value of Life

  10. 儒家人生价值观的认同与批判

    Interpretation and agreement of Confucian outlook on value of life

  11. 试析当代大学生与时俱进的人生价值观

    Views of Contemporary Undergraduates ' Life Value progressing with Times

  12. 加强当代大学生人生价值观教育的思考

    Ponder on Enhancing the Education of Contemporary University Students Outlook on Life

  13. 用正确的人生价值观教育青年

    Education of the Young with Correct Values on Life

  14. 哲学教学中应引导学生树立科学的人生价值观

    University Students Induced to Establish the Scientific Values of Life in Philosophy Teaching

  15. 应当重视对大学生进行正确的人生价值观的教育

    More Attention Should Be Paid to the Value System Development of College Students

  16. 他的人生价值观、他的人格魅力尤为令人敬佩和赞叹。

    His life value and charming personality are admired by all of us .

  17. 康德人生价值观的当代视野

    Contemporary View of Kant 's Outlook of Life Values

  18. 其内在体现了中国文人性格和人生价值观。

    Its inherent reflects the character and values of life of the Chinese literati .

  19. 市场经济与人生价值观的双重效应

    Market Economy and the Double-Effect of Life-Value Conception

  20. 陆军青年军人人生价值观、人格特质与生活满意度的关系

    The Relationship between Life Values , Personality Trait and Life Satisfaction in Young Armyman

  21. 二级学院大学生人生价值观的调查及对策研究

    Investigation and Research of the Human Value Conception of College Students in Secondary Colleges

  22. 高校青年教师人生价值观探讨

    Discussion about outlook on value of life of young teachers in universities and Colleges

  23. 集体主义人生价值观导向的客观依据及原则要求

    The Objective Base and Principled Demand of Collectivist Lead to the Value of Life

  24. 浅议能力本位的人生价值观

    On the Life Value of Ability Standard

  25. 儒家人生价值观及其现代意义

    The Confucian Values and Its Current Significance

  26. 正确认识一般社会成员所具有的普通人生价值观

    Making Good Judge of the Common Life Value of the Members of the Human Community

  27. 当代大学生人生价值观现状调查与教育对策

    An Investigation into Views on Life Value of Modern College Students and Their Educational Countermeasures

  28. 试论宗教的人生价值观

    On the Values of Life of Religion

  29. 重庆市高职院校学生人生价值观的调查研究

    Survey and Suggestions on Life Values of Students from Higher Occupation Technical Institutes in Chongqing

  30. 人生价值观的形成,要经过长期的生活积累、文化熏陶和坚持不懈的教育过程。

    Life values formation , through long-term accumulation of life , culture and education process unremittingly .