
rén wù jiǎn jiè
  • profile
  1. 和记黄埔公司杂志今年刊登的一段人物简介,描述了父亲经历对青年李嘉诚的影响。

    A profile this year in Hutchison 's company magazine described the impact his father 's experiences had on the young Li , who was also afflicted by the disease .

  2. 发送一个信息,首先点一下人物姓名,进到他们的人物简介。

    To send a message first click on the persons name to go to their profile .

  3. 国际远程教育经济学研究代表人物简介

    Introduction of Five International Representatives in Distance Education Economics Research

  4. 他成为好几家杂志人物简介栏的主题,《时代》杂志选他为本年度风云人物。

    He was the subject of several magazine profiles , being voted Time magazine 's Man of the Year .

  5. 不论你是想查一个生僻的词或词组,还是想快速浏览一位历史人物简介,或是深入了解一个鲜为人知的科学或政治概念,都只需轻轻一点。

    Whether you want to look up an obscure word or phrase , get a quick briefing on an historical figure or dig into a little-known scientific or political concept , help is just a click away .