
  • 网络Population industrial structure;industrial structure of population
  1. 人口产业结构不尽合理。

    Industrial structure of population is single and unreasonable .

  2. 西部大开发中的人口产业结构问题研究

    On the Issues of the Industrial Structure of Population in the Development of the Western Areas

  3. 江苏省人口产业结构与环境污染的关系研究

    Study on Relationship between Population Industry Structure and Environmental Pollution in Jiangsu Province

  4. 中国人口产业结构的问题与对策

    Present Situation and Countermeasures of Population Industrial Structure

  5. 产业结构决定了人口产业结构,人口产业结构的变化对产业结构的升级和经济发展又具有反作用。

    Industrial structure determines industrial structure of population ; Changes of industrial structure affect escalation of industrial structure and economic process .

  6. 中国实际的人口产业结构变化与经典的人口产业结构理论不尽吻合,其演化进程表现出自身的特点和规律,与当时的经济背景有密切关系。

    Actual population-industrial structure in China is different from the correlative classical theory , Related with temporal economic background , and its evolvement has unique characteristic in itself .

  7. 采取定性和定量相结合的方法分析了经济增长、人口、产业结构、能源消费结构、技术进步和城镇化率等对能源消费量的影响。

    Qualitative and quantitative analyses were applied to analyze economic growth , population , industrial structure , energy consumption structure , technological progress and the urbanization rate impacted on energy consumption .

  8. 随着经济的腾飞,我国部分城市和地区城乡差距逐步缩小,在经济实力、人口和产业结构上基本实现了城乡一体化。

    With the development of national economy , the gap between some urban and rural areas has been narrowed , and integration has been achieved with respect to economy , demography , and industry structure .

  9. 其次,从经济的增长、人口、产业结构的变化、能源结构的变化、居民生活消费等几个方面选取自变量用组合模型对大连市规划年的终端能源消费量和一次能源消费量进行了预测。

    Secondly , several independent variables were selected from economy , population , industry structure , energy structure and resident living aspects , and forecasted the primary energy consumption and final energy consumption in Dalian using the combined forecasting model .

  10. 城镇化对区域水资源利用变化目前影响程度较低,尚不能引导区域人口、产业结构大幅度的转移,也无力改变当前区域水资源利用格局。

    The influence of urbanization on utilization change of regional water resource is just small at present and can not lead the regional population and industrial structure to transfer with large scale ; neither is it capable to change the current utilization pattern of regional water resource .

  11. 技术进步、内生人口增长与产业结构转型

    Technological Progress , Endogenous Population Growth and Structural Change

  12. 同时,由于人口结构以及产业结构的变化,国内某些行业出现了劳动力短缺现象。

    Meanwhile , because of the change of population and industrial structure , the labor shortage phenomenon has appeared in some domestic trades .

  13. 吉林省四平城市化进程中人口变动与产业结构、土地利用变动关系研究

    Studies on the Relation of Population Changes , Industrial Changes and the Land Utilization in the Process of Urbanization in Siping City of Jilin Province

  14. 用人口分布与产业结构对比分析表明四平城市化进程中人口变动的职业转移相对落后于空间转移;

    The job shift is relatively lag behind the space shift of the pop-ulation during the urbanization by comparison the population distribution and industrial structure ;

  15. 城镇化过程中的人口结构、产业结构、社会结构、土地利用结构的演变,不但产生于城市,而且发生在农村。

    In the process of urbanization , changes of population structure , industrial structure , social structure take place not only in the city but also in the village .

  16. 研究发现,乡镇撤并对人口结构,产业结构有直接的正面的影响,但是对最能反映城镇化实质的指标&劳动力结构,其效果在各地并不一致。

    The villages and towns merge has direct positive influence on the population structure and industrial structure , but is inconsistent in all parts to the structure of labor force .

  17. 结果表明,水系、道路、地形、人口增长和产业结构变化等因素都对乡村聚落的空间集聚有重要影响。

    The results showed that water , roads , terrain , population growth industrial structure change and other factors had a major impact on gathering space of the rural settlements .

  18. 经济发展、人口增加、产业结构调整和政治经济政策是江苏城市用地扩张的主要驱动因子。

    Third , the main driving forces of urban land use change in Jiangsu are the economic development , the growth of urban population , the adjustment of industrial structure and the political and economic policy .

  19. 山东省区域经济差异的影响因素多种多样,概括起来主要有:自然因素、政策因素、人口因素、产业结构因素等。

    T0here are a lot of factors impacting the region-economy discrepancy of Shandong Province , we summarize them up to the following factors as : Natural Factors , Policy Factors , Demographic Factors , and Industrial Structure Factors .

  20. 以往的文献主要偏向于把人口流动和产业结构区分开来进行分别研究,或是研究一方对另一方的单向影响,而把两者结合起来系统研究则比较匮乏,实证分析更少。

    The previous literature mainly focus on separate research for non-domicile population change or industrial restructuring , or research unidirectional effect for one part to another part . We lack of system research for both parts relationship , specially less empirical analysis .

  21. 文章通过对我国人口普查数据和第一手的实地调查,对撒拉族地区人口就业的产业结构、行业结构以及对人口的职业结构作了初步的分析,并对此中的原因作了探讨。

    This article makes a preliminary analysis on the industrial and occupational structure of population employment and occupational structure in the Salar areas through actual investigation and the data of population census in China , and probes into the cause above mentioned .

  22. 在分析松江新城的发展现状和优势条件的基础上,利用相关模型研究了其区域支撑和中心性,认为松江新城在人口聚集、产业结构、开发速度和土地利用上存在问题。

    On the basis of analyzing conditions and the advantages of Songjiang New City , the regional support and centrality are researched with interrelated model . In this paper , some problems on the underpopulation , industrial structure , the speed of exploitation and land use are put forward .

  23. 中国人口发展与人口产业结构调整

    Population development and adjustment of the structure of population industry in China

  24. 辽宁人口老龄化对产业结构转型的影响

    Impact of Liaoning 's Population Aging on Restructuring of Industry

  25. 人口城市化与产业结构变迁&基于湖南省的实证检验

    Urbanization of Population and Industrial Structure Changes & Empirical Test Based on Hunan Province

  26. 城市化快速发展阶段,伴随着人口的聚集和产业结构的转型升级,经济社会发展对土地资源的需求越来越强烈。

    With rapidly urbanization , economic and social development needs much more land for population aggregation , as well as transformation and upgrading of industrial structure .

  27. 研究结果:促使该区域土地利用变化的主要的人文驱动力因素是人口增长、农村产业结构调整和国家开发投资。

    The results indicate that the three main human driving forces are population growth , adjustment of agricultural structure and investment by the government for land exploitation and consolidation .

  28. 城市化进程中产生的人口集聚效应是产业结构演变的基本动力,经济水平提升则是产业结构演变的催化剂。

    The population aggregation effect is the basic motivation of the evolution of industrial structure and raise the level of consumption is the key to upgrading the industrial structure .

  29. 对未来我国面对人口年龄结构、产业结构变化的情况,进行保障性住房布点规划的实践提出建设性意见。

    On the future of our country facing the population age structure , industrial structure changes are to afford housing layout planning practice and put forward a constructive suggestion .

  30. 研究表明,经济增长、人口的增长、产业结构调整和城镇化率是城镇用地空间增长的主要宏观驱动因素。二、多主体城市用地扩展模拟模型构建。

    Studies had shown that the economic increasing , population growth , industrial restructuring and urbanization rate were the main driving forces . ( 2 ) Building the simulation model of urban land use expansion based on multi-agent .