
  • HR;Human Resource Department
  1. 我刚刚加入一家《财富》(Fortune)500强公司的人力资源部。我很快意识到,这家公司花了很多钱派管理人员出去读商学院,实际上这是一项非常昂贵的额外福利。

    I have just joined a Fortune 500 company in the human resources department and realise that the company spends huge amounts of money sending managers to business school , effectively as a very expensive perk .

  2. 在路上,DHL的人力资源部给她打来电话,要她火速填好税单并给他们寄过去。

    While on our trip , she was contacted by the company 's human resources department with an urgent request to complete and send back her tax forms .

  3. 人力资源部之外的其他员工只能访问他们的个人HR信息。

    Employees outside the HR department only have access to their individual HR information .

  4. 在“HumanResources”组下,我们为亚太地区的人力资源部员工创建“GoAsiaPacific”子组。

    Under the " Human Resources " group , we create the " Go Asia Pacific " subgroup for the Asia Pacific 's HR department members .

  5. 人力资源部的女性员工一看到简历照片是个美女就妒火中烧,通常不往下看直接就把CV扔垃圾桶了。

    Jealous women in human resources departments will often bin the applications without forwarding them .

  6. 这也许听起来很难,但这位TrueOffice的首席执行官相信他已找到办法,能更好地调动员工兴趣,让人力资源部的工作更容易开展。

    That may sound like an uphill battle , but the true office CEO thinks he has a way to engage employees and make HR folks breathe easier .

  7. 在本例中,我们允许人力资源部员工检索他们所在国家的所有HR数据。

    In this example we allow members of the HR departments to retrieve all HR data of their respective country .

  8. CEO和领导层最终是用其行为,而不是人力资源部推出的一系列政策,塑造出公司文化。

    The CEO and the leadership team ultimately set the company culture with their behaviors versus a set of policies rolled out by the HR department .

  9. 首先,在很多公司,与其他部门一样,人力资源部裁员也很严重。人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)最近的调查显示,2007年,人力资源部的平均雇员数是13人,而现在仅为9.2人。

    For one thing , at many companies , HR departments have suffered cutbacks right along with every other function : The average HR staff now numbers 9.2 employees , down from 13 in 2007 , according to a recent poll by the Society for Human Resource Management .

  10. 公司人力资源部经理苔丝•史密斯表示,公司近期在巴西完成了新全球领导力志愿者队项目(GlobalLeadershipCorps)的试点。

    The company recently completed a pilot program in Brazil for its new global leadership corps which " marries the peace corps with business , " says Tess Smith , a human resources manager for the company .

  11. 合唱团成员、在人力资源部工作的凯瑟琳海斯(catherinehayes)表示,这让她可以继续学生时代的兴趣。

    Catherine Hayes , a member of the choir who works in human resources , says it allows her to maintain an interest from her student years .

  12. 在此基础上,论文分析了人力资源部的总体业务需求,然后通过UML建模对人力资源管理系统中机构管理、人事管理、培训管理、报表业务管理等子系统进行具体分析。

    Firstly , on the condition , this paper analyzes the total requirement of the human resource department , and then analyzes concretely organization management , personnel management , training management , report business management etc. by UML model .

  13. 根据BPR的思想,现代企业可以组建为生产部、采购部、营销部、R&D、人力资源部、财务部等六个部门。

    According to the concept of BPR , modern enterprises consist of such six departments as production department , purchasing department , marketing department , R & D , human resource department , finance department , etc. .

  14. 领英公司成为提供“自主休假”或者“DTO”的又一位雇主,他们刚在人力资源部的讲话中宣布此事。

    LinkedIn is the latest employer to offer what 's known as " discretionary time off , " or " DTO " in corporate HR-speak .

  15. 她投简历到某国营建筑工程公司,申请总经理秘书一职,几天之后她接到该公司人力资源部的回复,工作人员告诉她,会通过QQ进行第一轮面试。

    After sending her resume to a " State-owned construction engineering corporation " several days ago to apply for the position of secretary for the president , Ke received a message from an HR worker who asked her to conduct a job interview through QQ .

  16. CareerBuilder网站人力资源部副总监罗丝玛丽·海弗娜建议求职者在开始找工作之前先“清理网上垃圾”,删除可能影响他们就业机会的照片、内容和链接。

    Rosemary Haefner , vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder , recommended that candidates " clean up digital dirt " before beginning a job search by removing photos , content and links which could hurt their chances .

  17. Travelzoo公司人力资源部的高级副总裁格雷琴·约翰逊,说起一个应聘者,他不仅是一个登山发烧友,也是边远地区的志愿者。

    Gretchen Johnson , senior vice president of human resources at Travelzoo Inc. , recalls one applicant who not only was an avid mountain climber , but also volunteered in those remote locales .

  18. 瑞银人力资源部负责人格里布吕德林(gerybruederlin)表示,除了成熟的瑞士市场以外,瑞银在欧洲的私人银行家数量以每年20%左右的速度增长,在亚洲的增速大约为30%。

    Gery bruederlin , group head of human resources at UBS , says its private bankers have grown in number by about 20 per cent a year in Europe , excluding the mature Swiss market , and by about 30 per cent in Asia .

  19. 冯丽娟是中国招聘平台51job的一位人力资源部的资深专家,她表示:”考虑到实际的经济状况,要求公司,尤其是刚刚起步的创业公司在招聘职工时能够绝对公平是不现实的。

    Feng Lijuan , a senior expert on human resources at Chinese job-finding platform 51job.com , said , " Taking the economic situation into consideration , it is not realistic to require companies , especially fast-growing startups , to provide absolute equality when choosing their employees .

  20. 人力资源部是发现这一点的最佳部门。

    Human resources is a good place to find this out .

  21. 迈克:不是。我已经通过人力资源部的面试了。

    Mike : No , I already passed the HR interview .

  22. 把他告到人力资源部,说他疯了吗?

    Go to human resources and tell them he 's crazy ?

  23. 将建议表格送人力资源部。

    Submit the suggestion to the human resources employee relations department .

  24. 人力资源部经常人手不足且不受重视。

    HR is usually understaffed and may be seen as unimportant .

  25. 你们得去找人力资源部。

    You 're gonna have to go down to human resources .

  26. 秘书把他送到了人力资源部。

    The secretary sent him up to the Human Resources Department .

  27. 他与人力资源部负责人最初的会面是灾难性的。

    His meeting with the head of HR was initially disastrous .

  28. 所有外界的询问应透过人力资源部交到总经理的手中。

    Inquires should be referred to General Manager through HR Department .

  29. 史蒂夫:哪个部门要面视你呀?人力资源部?

    Steve : Which department will interview you - Human Resources ?

  30. 男:人力资源部要搬到三楼吗?

    Man : And Human Resources up to the third floor ?