
  1. 三维人体测量方法的研究

    The study of 3D Human Body Measurement

  2. 可见的严重消瘦未能确定出近一半的通过人体测量方法诊断出的患有严重急性营养不良的入院儿童。

    Visible severe wasting failed to detect approximately half of the children admitted to hospital with severe acute malnutrition diagnosed anthropometrically .

  3. 本论文通过分析国内外非接触式三维人体测量方法,在深入研究三维人体测量和基于图像的测量技术的基础上,提出一种采用单照相机的三维人体测量方法。

    In this thesis , we analyze current research and majored research on technologies of image measurement system and 3-D body measurement . We develop a 3D body measurement method with a single camera .

  4. 一种新的六电极人体阻抗测量方法

    A new technique of segmental bioelectrical impedance measure with six electrode

  5. 人体脂肪测量方法及其在儿童肥胖评估中的应用价值

    Body fat measurements and their application value in the assessment of childhood obesity

  6. 非接触人体表面温度测量方法的研究

    A Study on the Method of Non-Contact Skin Temperature Measurement

  7. 人体容抗测量的方法与实现

    A new circuit of body capacitance impedance measurement

  8. 人体步态信息测量方法及其工程应用前景探讨

    The Measurement Methods of Gait Information of the Human Body and Prospects for Technical Application

  9. 主要就WBS&Ⅱ型全身表面β污染监测仪的本底及人体测量数据处理方法进行了论述。

    The main aspects of background and human body measurement data processing of WBS & ⅱ Portal β Monitor were discussed .

  10. 介绍服装用人体的三维测量方法,基于白光相位扫描测量技术和专有的测量数据提取软件来完成人体的三维测量。

    Phase Continue Scanning ESPI Technique for Measuring Vibration Mode The 3D Body Measurement System includes a white light-based scanner and proprietary measurement extraction software .

  11. 人体外形三维光学测量方法的研究

    Method of 3-D Optical Non-contact Measurement of Human Body Shape

  12. 人体体能测量的新方法研究

    Research on New Method of Physical Fitness Measurement

  13. GB/T16160-1996服装人体测量的部位与方法

    Location and method of anthropometric surveys for garment

  14. 影片解析中人体测量点的确定方法

    Determination of Anthropometric Points in Film Analysis

  15. 二维平衡板不同人体环节重量矩测量方法的对比研究

    Comparison of Two Methods for Measuring Moment of Gravity of Segment of Human Body Based on Balance Boards

  16. 在对当前基于生物阻抗法人体成分测量的几种方法研究的基础上,我们对测量方法进行了改进和创新,同时把人体成分测量作为评测人体体能的重要方法之一。

    Based on the research on the present methods of body composition measurement by BIA ( Bioelectrical impedance analysis ), we put forward the improved method of body composition measurement and take it as an important method to evaluate physical fitness .

  17. 本课题针对目前人体体能测量的传统方法实施和推广的困难,提出了一种以人体成分测量和心率变异性分析为基础的静态体能测量的新方法。

    As the traditional method of physical fitness measurement isn 't easy to carry out and popularize , this paper is to research the new static method of physical fitness measurement based on body composition measurement and HRV ( heart rate variability ) analysis .

  18. 人体实验研究主要是为了验证我们提出的人体成分测量改进方法和人体体能测量新方法的可行性和有效性。

    We have made some experiments to validate the feasibility and validity of the improved method measuring body composition and the new method measuring physical fitness .