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jīng shī
  • capital (of a country);the capital of a country
京师 [jīng shī]
  • [capital (of a country)] 帝王的都城

  • 自京师来。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  • 元济诣京师。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 赴举京师。--宋. 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》

  • 自京师乘风雪。--清. 姚鼐《登泰山记》

京师[jīng shī]
  1. 北魏京师洛阳与河洛文化

    Luoyang & the Capital in Northern Wei and He Luo Culture

  2. 满洲文化对京师文化的影响

    Influences of the Culture of the Man Nationality Upon Capital Culture

  3. 京师同文馆英语教学历史研究

    Historical Studies on the English Teaching at the Imperial Translators ' College

  4. 秦汉京师治安制度研究

    The Study on System of Capital Security During Qin and Han Dynasties

  5. 论京师同文馆的高等教育性质台北帝国大学及其出版物的研究

    On Imperial Tung Wen College as A Higher Educational Institution

  6. 中国高校建立地理学系的第一个方案&京师大学堂文学科大学中外地理学门的课程设置

    The first project for Department of Geography in universities and colleges around China

  7. 梅曾亮一生主要是读书、教书、为官京师,成就在文学不在事功。

    And his main accomplishment is in literature instead of being an officer .

  8. 他们一面调集军队,保卫京师洛阳;

    On one hand , Emperor Ling mustered troops to defend the capital ;

  9. 中国第一座新式监狱建筑&京师模范监狱评析

    Review of The First New Type Prison Building in China ── The Capital Model Prion

  10. 北京文化史可分为燕文化、幽州文化和京师文化三个不同的时期。

    The present study tries to provide new views to the cultural history of Beijing .

  11. 1912年5月,京师大学堂改名北京大学,著名的教育家、启蒙思想家严复出任北京大学第一任校长。

    In May 1912 , the Metropolitan University was renamed " Peking University . " Mr.

  12. 日本教习与京师警务学堂

    Japanese Teachers and the Beijing Police School

  13. 一般的思想及其背后:庙会中的行善积功&以明清京师泰山信仰的碑刻资料为中心1

    A General Idea and Behind : Doing Charitable Deeds for Merit Accumulation in the Temple Fairs

  14. 其三是原来的京师地区不足以负担京城的各项物质需要。

    The original areas around the capitals couldn 't provide enough material necessities for the capitals .

  15. 从京师同文馆之创设看西学东渐在中国

    See learning from the West Culture in China by the foundation of the Capital Foreign Languages Institute

  16. 太学的发展,使京师洛阳形成了浓厚的经学文化氛围。

    The development of the university made Luoyang form the strong atmosphere of study of Confucian Classics .

  17. 清初京师汉官的生活空间和关系网络&以王士祯为个案

    The Living Space and Relation Networks of Han Officials in Early Qing & A Case of Wang Shi-zhen

  18. 高等学校文库建设回顾与展望&京师文库建设回顾及发展设想

    History and Prospect of Special Collections Library in the Higher School & Jing Shi library in BNU Library

  19. 京师文化的特征是多元性,多元文化在兼融、混溶之后形成了独具特色的京师文化。

    The characteristic of Youzhou is the mix which including minority nationalistic culture and the Han People 's culture .

  20. 中国近代教育溯源&以1900年之前的京师同文馆为视角

    Trace to The Source of Chinese Modern Education & Angle of View from Jin Shi Tong Wen Guan Before 1900

  21. 京师同文馆的建立标志着我国近代教育的启动,其英语教学是我国近代外语教学的开端。

    The establishment of the Imperial Translators ' College launched the education and foreign language teaching causes in pre-modern China .

  22. 京师昆明湖水操学堂史论浅议军校研究生科研能力的培养

    On the History of Kunming Lake Naval Training School On the Cultivating of Research Ability for Graduate Students of Military Academies

  23. 京师同文馆是中国教育的一次巨大革新,是中国近代教育的起源。

    Jing shi tong wen guan is an enormous innovate in the history of Chinese education and the origin of Chinese modernize education .

  24. 海运江南粮至大都(今北京),是元朝政府应对南北经济差异,保障京师用粮的重要举措。

    It is considered as an important measure to transport the crops from the south to the capital city known as Beijing today .

  25. 中国国家图书馆初名京师图书馆,敕建于清宣统元年(1909),1912年正式开馆接待读者。

    The predecessor of the National Library of China is the Metropolitan Library founded in1909 . In1912 , the Library opened to the public .

  26. 秦汉作为统一全国的封建王朝,存在了四百多年,成为中国古代文明发展的第一个高峰,这与它有较为完善的京师治安制度,在长时期有效地维护了社会稳定是分不开的。

    The dynasties of Qin and Han which existed more than four hundred years became the first peak of the Chinese feudalism civilization development .

  27. 20世纪初,在人们的呼吁下,清政府成立了官督商办性质的京师自来水公司。

    At the beginning of 20th century , the Qing government founded the commercial imperial water company under official supervision due to mass appeal .

  28. 在地域选择上,也可分为三类:边境、京师及其附近地区、其他地区。

    Choice in the region can also be divided into three categories : the border , the capital and nearby regions , other regions .

  29. 人们一般认为中国学校英语教学肇始于京师同文馆。

    It is generally believed that teaching of the English language in China began with Tong Wen Guan ( The Imperial College of Translators ) .

  30. 京师自来水公司的顺利创建和发展,很大程度上归功于袁世凯、周学熙和王锡彤三个人的作用。

    The company , on a large part , owed it 's smooth establishment and development to Yuan Shikai , Zhou Xuexi and Wang Xitong .