
chǎn quán zhuǎn yí
  • transfer of property rights
  1. 土地整理投资、整理地块经营使用及产权转移均涉及其产权经济关系的变化,而且在这一变化过程中,土地价格起着非常重要的作用。

    Investment in land arrangement , management and utilization of rearranged plot and transfer of property rights are all involve the change of proprietary economic relations .

  2. 随着科技的发展,我国上市公司股票的交易实现了电子化,产权转移书据不复存在,应该取消股票印花税,而改征股票交易税。

    With the development of science and technology , the trading of the shares of listed companies electronic transfer of property rights no longer exist , stamp duty should be abolished , and instead levy a tax on stock transactions .

  3. 在国有资产体制改革步伐越来越快的今天,MBO(管理层收购)已经成为解决国有资产产权转移、国有资本战略性撤退的一种重要手段,因此国内对MBO的研究和讨论也在不断的升级。

    With the development of reform for the state-owned corporation , MBO ( Management buyout ) becomes the very important measure for the reform .

  4. 第三章房产权转移请求强制转移管辖权

    CHAPTER III TRANSFER OF BUILDING PROPERTY RIGHTS application to compel jurisdiction

  5. 论转型期产权转移与企业成长的良性互动

    Interaction between Property Right Transfer and Firm Growth in the Transitional Period

  6. 房屋产权转移登记案件的审判探讨

    Discussion on Judgment of Case of Transfer Registration of House Property Right

  7. 高科技成果知识产权转移过程中的风险识别

    Study on Risks Identification during Transferring Intellectual Property Rights of Hi Tech Achievements

  8. 货物财产权转移的时间是依据货物的类别确定的。

    The time property in the goods passes is dependent on the classification given .

  9. 第三章房产权转移

    Chapter III Transfer of building property rights

  10. 第三十八条房屋出租,不妨碍房产权转移。

    Article 38 The leasing of buildings shall not impede the transfer of building property rights .

  11. 土地产权转移首先是经济上的原因,包括租佃经营的困境,以及贵族在经济上的衰落。

    Land property rights transfer first is economic reasons , including business , and the tenancy of economic decline in noble .

  12. 中国信托立法有关财产权转移及信托业管制的规定存在一定的缺陷。

    There do exist some limitations in the Chinese trust law concerning transferring of property right and regulation for trust industry .

  13. 答:产权转移登记后,房地产买卖合同内容未履行完毕的,当事人应当继续履行。

    Answer : after property right move is registered , content of estate business contract was not fulfilled end , party ought to continue to fulfill .

  14. 本文就验资业务中委把人、财产权转移手续、资产评估结果的使用等问题进行了探讨,以期达成共识。

    This article discusses the issue of trustor , property transfer formalities , and the application of the result of assets evaluation in the verification business .

  15. 第四章分析了资产投出阶段的内部会计控制,提出对资产作价审批、资产转移及产权转移进行重点控制,主要采用财产保全以及岗位分工等控制方法与手段。

    Chapter four analyses the internal control of pitching out assets . The emphases are examination and approve of evaluating and pitching out assets , the transfer of property rights .

  16. 律师和投资银行家预计,辉瑞此次出售将开启诸多此类知识产权转移的先河由当地竞争裁决带来的西方知识产权向中国企业转移。

    Lawyers and investment bankers expect the sale by the US drugmaker to be the first of many such transfers of Western IP to Chinese groups arising from local competition rulings .

  17. 房产权转移后,房屋租赁合同继续生效,新、旧房产主应联名以书面通知承租人。

    After building property rights have been transferred , building leases shall remain in force . The new and former owners of the building property shall jointly notify the lessee in writing .

  18. 萨博使用通用汽车的技术,生产旗舰产品9-5等轿车。通用汽车也很担心萨博将其知识产权转移给中国的第三方。

    Saab built cars such as its flagship 9-5 based on GM technology , and the US carmaker was also nervous about having its intellectual property transferred to third parties in China .

  19. 这一纽约市最豪华的车库在建设完成并由检察署签署大楼的独立产权转移书后,将于今年秋天上市出售。

    The city 's gaudiest garage is expected to hit the market this fall , after construction is complete and the Attorney General 's Office signs off on the building 's condo conversion .

  20. 房产权转移、房产预售(预购)、房产抵押和房屋租赁合同的订立,应经深圳市公证处公证。

    The formation of contracts for the transfer of building property rights , the sale ( purchase ) of building property in advance , the mortgage of building property and the lease of buildings shall be notarized by the Shenzhen Municipal Notarial Office .

  21. 农村土地资产化的实现也依赖于农村劳动力转移、社会保障制度的完善等相关外部环境的驱动。(4)产权转移和收益实现是农村土地资产化的结果。

    Implementation of rural land capitalization is also dependent on agricultural labor force metastasis , the improvement of social security system and other factors of the external environment . ( 4 ) The results of rural land capitalization are the transfer of property rights and the realization of benefits .

  22. 知识转移是存在风险的,尤其是知识产权的转移。

    Knowledge transfer is an activity with risk , especially the transfer of intellectual property .

  23. 然而现实情况是,很多收购案例更多地关注于人员更替,而不是知识产权的转移。

    The reality , however , is that many of these deals are more about HR than IP .

  24. 管理层收购正是为这种产权的转移提供了可能,并由此产生了新的公司治理模式。

    Management buyout makes the transferring of ownership possible and brings the new patterns of corporate governance into being .

  25. 许多大公司的最终决策控制权、品牌以及知识产权正在转移出去,这有问题吗?

    Does it matter that ultimate control of decision-making , brands and intellectual property in many big companies is shifting away ?

  26. 笔者认为,城市土地资产经营的关键在于建立和完善土地市场。而土地市场的本质又是:依附于土地上的一系列土地产权的转移和交易。

    The author thinks , The key of assets management of urban land lies in setting up and perfecting the land market .

  27. 在一份合同被确定为货物买卖合同前,货物的所有权或财产权必须转移给买方。

    Before a contract can be classified as one for the sale of goods , property or ownership in goods must pass to the buyer .

  28. 以非货币财产出资的,应当依法办理其财产权的转移手续。

    If the capital contributions are made in non-monetary properties , the appropriate transfer procedures for the property rights therein shall be followed according to law .

  29. 公司税是个复杂的问题:知识产权可以转移至国外,并依照复杂的关联方安排,方便地取用;

    Corporate tax is a complex matter : intellectual property can be moved to offshore locations and exploited at arm 's length according to intricate related-party formulas ;

  30. 构成物业部分所有权,随产权一同转移给新所有人的权力。

    A right or entitlement which forms part of the ownership of a property and which passes to a new owner when title passes ( i.e.an easement or right of way over another property ) .