
  • 网络SERVICE;PRODUCT;Product Service
  1. 它设计精巧,已经获得多个奖项,其中包括著名的2012年日经优秀产品服务奖(NikkeiSuperiorProductsServiceAward2012)。

    Line is a slickly designed product that has garnered awards , including a prestigious Nikkei superior products Service Award 2012 .

  2. 根据运输产品服务水平效用函数的特点,建立了分对数(Logit)运输产品市场份额预测模型及其标定方法;

    A logit model was set up for market share forecast according to the characteristics of utility function of transportation service level .

  3. 它使用REST来提供描述和产品服务。

    Which uses REST for providing profile and product services .

  4. BPR中产品服务/生产过程增值性的客观度量

    Objective Approach to Measure the Value Added by Component Process in BPR

  5. 包价旅游产品服务属性的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Service Attribution of Package Tourism Product

  6. 国际航空航天公司产品服务指南

    International Aerospace Company I Product I Service Directory

  7. 工程机械产品服务设计

    Planning of Product Service for Construction Machinery

  8. 家电连锁零售企业产品服务研究

    The Study on Goods Service of the Chain of the Electrical Home Appliances Retail Enterprises

  9. 国有商业银行的柜面业务是国有商业银行在柜台上为个人客户和对公客户提供产品服务、信用服务的服务操作。

    The counter service of State-owned commercial bank is an important place to provide products services and credit services for personal customers and enterprises .

  10. 如果想在激烈的竞争中取得独有的优势,就必须要酒店能够在经营管理、产品服务等诸多方面不断的提高服务管理的意识。

    If you want to in the fierce competition and achieved the unique advantages , it is necessary to hotel can in business management , product service and so on many aspects continuously improve service management consciousness .

  11. 以往品牌形象管理的文献提出了许多维护与提升品牌形象方面的策略,包括品牌个性、品牌文化、广告宣传、公共关系、社会责任以及产品服务等等。

    Brand management literature in the past put forward a number of maintenance and enhancement of brand image strategies , including the brand personality , brand culture , advertising , public relations , social responsibility and product services .

  12. 但是,从酒店的资源消耗分析来看,我国酒店业的产品服务系统仍属于传统的资源产品废物线性开放式经济运行模式,具有高投入、高消耗、高污染的特点。

    However , looking from the hotel resource consumption , the production system of hotel industry still belong to the traditional economical movement pattern , which is ― resource - product - waste ‖, with a ― high input , high consumption , high pollution ‖ characteristic .

  13. 你们的产品和服务有竞争力吗?营销又怎么样呢?

    Are your products and services competitive ? How about marketing ?

  14. 客户需要最好的产品和服务。

    Consumers need the best products and the best services .

  15. 个人技术的确比以往任何时候更具有吸引力,毋庸置疑,科技公司在不断把他们的产品和服务设计的更加具有竞争力和吸引力。

    Personal technology is indeed more engaging than ever , and there 's no doubt companies are engineering their products and services to be more compelling and attractive .

  16. 银色产业(silverindustry)指专注于做老年产品和服务的产业,业务涉及房产、护肤品、旅游以及娱乐等行业。

    Silver industry refers to the business sector1 that focuses on products and services for seniors , which ranges from housing and cosmetics2 to travel and entertainment . For example :

  17. 没有挑剔的客户,只有不完善的产品和服务。

    There is no captious client but faulty product and service .

  18. 赚钱的产品或服务

    a product or service that makes money

  19. “银发产业”指的是聚焦于为老年人提供产品和服务的商业部门。

    Silver industry refers to the business sector1 that focuses on products and services for seniors .

  20. 重点为年轻消费者服务的产业正在转型,转而为老年人创造、生产和推广产品及服务。

    Industries that have focused on younger consumers are retooling2 themselves to create , produce and market goods and services to that older demographic group .

  21. “漂移时刻”指的是在销售展示活动中,潜在买家设想购买了这种产品或服务,生活会变成什么样的时刻。

    Drift-off moment is the moment in a sales presentation when the potential buyer imagines how much better their life will be if they purchase the product or service .

  22. 我们将进一步降低关税和制度性成本,培育一批进口贸易促进创新示范区,扩大对各国高质量产品和服务进口。

    China will further cut tariffs and government instituted transaction costs , and open a number of demonstration zones for creative promotion of import trade to increase import of quality goods and services .

  23. 网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

    Providers of online services , including game , livestream , audio and video , and social media , shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit , authorization and consumption limit for minors , according to the revision .

  24. “神秘购物”是市场调查公司和监管机构的外部调查工具,也可以由公司作为内部调查使用,以衡量服务质量、是否遵守规则,或作收集产品和服务的特定信息之用。

    Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies , watchdog organizations , or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service , or compliance1 with regulation , or to gather specific information about products and services .

  25. 与其坐等用户给你的产品和服务做出积极评价,何不直接花钱购买一批“赞”然后瞬间展示出你产品的受欢迎程度呢?

    Rather than having to wait for users to register their approval of your products and services , why not simply buy a whole shed-load of ' likes ' and instantly demonstrate your popularity ? To do this , you employ the services of a click farm .

  26. 基于XML的企业产品数据服务中心研究

    XML-based enterprise product data service center

  27. 在适当的场合,本文还将说明IBM产品和服务如何能够在该过程中提供帮助。

    Where appropriate , this article illustrates how IBM products and services can help during the process .

  28. 组织市场营销(OrganizationMarketing)是为组织客户提供商品和服务的所有活动,即对于组织的产品和服务的营销。

    Organization Marketing are all the activities made to provide products and service for organization clients , which means marketing towards organizations'products and service .

  29. 以及PKI的标准、产品与服务准入问题。

    As well as PKI standards , production and service admission problems .

  30. 软件即服务(SaaS,SoftwareasaService)真正抓住了这种思想,彻底实现了将产品变成服务的目标。

    SaaS ( Software as a Service ) really captured this idea , and thoroughly achieved the objectives of transferring the product into service .