
  1. 6年前,当史蒂夫•乔布斯(SteveJobs)推出iPad时,这一产品承诺了“向后靠”的数字未来。

    Six years ago , when Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad , the device promised a future of " lean-back " computing .

  2. 研究人员说,有些产品承诺能提高活力和免疫力,还有些声称其营养素配方超越传统饮食科学,能改善身体机能和情绪。

    Some of these products promised improvements in energy and immune function , while others promoted performance and emotional benefits related to nutrient formulations that go beyond conventional nutritional science , the researchers said .

  3. 研究人员说,有些产品承诺能提高活力和免疫力,还有些声称“其营养素配方超越传统饮食科学,能改善身体机能和情绪”。

    Some of these products promised improvements in energy and immune function , while others promoted " performance and emotional benefits related to nutrient formulations that go beyond conventional nutritional science , " the researchers said .

  4. 他们惟一的产品就是承诺。

    Their only products are promises .

  5. 评审应在向顾客作出提供产品的承诺之前进行。

    This review shall be conducted prior to the organization 's commitment to supply a product to the customer .

  6. 硬件上设备,软件建制度、以此保障对用户的产品质量承诺。

    Investing equipments to strengthen hardware and building system with software is the guarantee to keep the product quality promise for users .

  7. 在今后日趋激烈的市场竞争中,若不能科学地提出产品保证承诺,将会使我国企业承担更大的经营风险。

    As market competition intensifies , if we cannot put forward product warranty promise scientifically , Chinese enterprises may suffer heavier operational risks .

  8. 美容品专柜和化妆品陈列厅,都是些让人茫然失措的地方。数以千计的产品,承诺着各种各样的功效:从除皱到完美肌肤。

    Beauty shelves and cosmetic halls are bewildering places , full of thousands of products promising everything from wrinkle reduction to the perfect complexion .

  9. 本手册内确定的食品安全方针是公司为消费者生产安全、合法产品的承诺。

    Food safety policy confirmed in this manual is the promise of the company for the manufacturing safety policy and legal product of the company .

  10. 我们很容易就被减肥专产品的承诺和潜质所吸引并且会想象哪个产品适合自己。

    We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us .

  11. 多年来,我们的客户已表示对我们公司继续提供最低价格最优质产品的承诺很有信心。

    Over the years , our customers have shown confidence in our company as we pledge to continue to supply them with the highest quality products at the lowest cost .

  12. 琳德烘焙加入了“取于当地,用于当地”的质量标准计划,以强调其只采用当地原材料来生产最佳品质烘焙产品的承诺。

    Lind bakery joins the program and quality standard " From the region , for the region ", to underline its commitment to only using the best regional raw materials for the best quality bakery products .

  13. 今天,为您提供优质、健康的眨眼是我们至力追求的目标,关注健康每一天是我们优质产品的承诺。

    Today , it is the goal that we pursue to force for the sleep that you offer excellent quality and health , it is the promise of our hight quality product to pay attention to healthy each day .

  14. 中国在加入WTO谈判过程中涉及汽车产品的相关承诺包括关税的降低、非关税壁垒的放开、国内汽车服务贸易领域允许外资进入等方面将逐步兑现。

    The commitment which is involved during the WTO negotiation includes : tariff cut , openness of non-tariff barrier , the permission of the foreign capital into the domestic automobile service sector .

  15. 范围从刚刚起步的TV和网络的结合到向生活大量投入的公司开发的搜索产品,Vista承诺推出宽带保护。

    Ranging from jump-starting TV and Web convergence to pumping life into the company 's foundering search product , Vista promises to push the broadband envelope .

  16. 首先研究了农业在进入加入WTO后过渡期后,农业及农产品市场准入承诺将对我国农业生产、农民收入和就业产生的影响。

    At first , it researches the effects that the promise of agricultural market access will bring to agricultural production , peasants ' employment and incomes when our agriculture enters into the period of after-transition .

  17. 我们对产品功能有所承诺,但恐怕无法按约发货了。

    We committed to product features . I can 't ship those as promised .

  18. 产品价格满意承诺产品价格不高于其他厂家,高则退差价的承诺。

    Product price satisfaction pledge The product price is not higher than other factories , Gao Zetuithe price difference pledge .

  19. 为保护人们免受虚假广告欺骗或是受到不真实的产品或服务承诺的欺骗,国家制定了强有力的法律措施。

    China has strong laws to protect people from advertisements that lie or try to make people believe untrue claims about products or services .

  20. 2005年底,中国进入后WTO过渡期,这意味着中国的农产品市场开放达到承诺的最高水平。

    In the end of the year of2005 , China has entered the post-WTO transition period , which means that Chinas market opening commitments of primary products reached the highest level .

  21. 产品预订是客户承诺的可靠标志。

    Pre-orders are a solid sign of customer commitment .

  22. “质量第一、客户至上”是太仓中集对客户产品质量永恒的承诺。

    " Quality First , Customer Supreme " is the eternal promise of CIMC-TAICANG .

  23. 结论就是:没有任何此类产品是像其承诺般有效。

    The conclusion was that none of the products were as effective as claimed .

  24. 有很多产品对你这样承诺过,但是那只是营销骗局。

    There are a lot of products promising you that , but thats just marketing hype .

  25. 所订购的产品必须按照所承诺的出厂交货,并且保持用户的应用处于跟踪状态,售后服务支持是必要的。

    Orders must be shipped as promised , keeping your job on track , and after-the-sale support is essential .

  26. 本厂荣誉产品对消费者的承诺就是,我们有胜过他人的决心和取得成就的魄力。

    The Best commitment our factory 's honoraBle products give to the customers is that we have the determination to excel and the drive to achieve .

  27. 独家交易是指产品制造商或供应商承诺在特定区域内仅向一个或一定数量的销售商提供产品,或者经销商向制造商、供应商承诺只向其购买特定类型产品的行为。

    Exclusive dealing agreement is the manufacturer or distributor promise to supply products to one or certain number distributor , and the distributor promise to purchase certain type of goods .

  28. 在销售放缓时,汽车制造商通常会给予中国经销商返利,以补偿库存时间超出预期,或者亏本处理库存产品以实现销量承诺。

    Carmakers routinely give China dealers rebates to compensate them for holding cars longer than expected when sales slow & or for unloading inventories at a loss to meet volume commitments .

  29. 通过对几个经典理论模型的介绍,阐述债务融资对产品市场竞争的承诺作用和深口袋掠夺理论,从理论上分析债务融资对产品市场竞争行为的影响作用。

    Through the several classical theory model , the product on debt financing commitment to the role of market competition and predatory deep pockets theory , theory of debt financing from the market the impact of competitive behavior .

  30. 京东的一名发言人表示:“我们对于优质产品和服务的承诺,一直是我们在这个市场上与众不同的一个关键特点,对于重大销售,我们投入更多资源确保在最繁忙时期也坚持履行我们的承诺。”

    A JD.com spokesperson said : " Our commitment to quality products and service has always been a key differentiator for us in this market and we employ additional resources for major sales to keep that promise even during the busiest periods . "