
  • 网络Product Informatization
  1. 信息技术对传统产业改造的关键&产品信息化

    The Key of Traditional Industry Reforming by Information Technology & Product Informatization

  2. 海尔整体厨房产品信息化系统设计与研究

    The Research of Haier Integer Kitchen Product Informatization System

  3. 随着计算机技术和产品信息化的发展,计算机辅助设计(CAD)和参数化设计思想已经广泛应用于机械行业。

    With the development of computer technique and information industry , CAD technique and parametric technique are used in mechanical field .

  4. 提出面向机械产品信息化的CAD系统框架,并用立式磨机CAD系统得以初步实现。

    Put forward the CAD concept system frame that face to the machine product information . And the theory is validated basically by the CAD design system of vertical vibration mill .

  5. 基于动态测试和诊断技术的产品信息化设计

    The Product Information Platform Design Based on Dynamic Test Diagnosis Technologies

  6. 论述了信息化改造传统制造业的关键是产品信息化设计。

    The product information platform is the key problem of traditional manufacturing reforming in information technology .

  7. 建立和开发家庭自动化系统旨在适应现代人民的生活信息化和对家居产品信息化的需要。

    The aim of building home automation system is to meet the needs of modern information society with respect to automated electronic products .

  8. 随着制造业产品信息化的发展,对这类字符的自动识别成为产品信息化管理的一个必然要求。

    With the development of the manufacturing product information , auto-recognition systems for these pressed characters become a necessary requirement for Product Information Management .

  9. 数字旅游一般由关键技术、数字化信息和服务对象等部分组成,主要包括旅游管理信息化、旅游产品信息化、旅游营销信息化、旅游服务信息化、旅游灾难处理和恢复信息化、旅游教育信息化等方面的内容。

    Digital tourism mainly included the informationization of tourism management , tourism product and tourism marketing , the solution to tourism disaster , the restoration of informationization , and the informationization of tourism education .

  10. 还就产品信息化的实现途径&软提升技术的定义、实施方法进行了阐述,对我国传统产业的信息化改造提供了具体的实施途径。

    Furthermore , the realizing method of product informatization & the soft-improving technology and its definition and implementation were expounded , which will be as a guide to Chinese traditional industry reforming by information technology .

  11. 面向机械产品设计信息化的CAD技术研究

    Study on CAD for Information Driven Mechanical Product Design

  12. 在分析PDM的技术背景和主要功能的基础上,探讨本企业产品开发信息化的深化应用。

    This paper discusses the further application of informationization to products development in the enterprise based on the analysis of the background and main function of PDM .

  13. 汽车产品验证信息化管理与分析系统的开发研究

    Design and Research on Informational Management & Analysis Systemof Automobile Verification

  14. 机械产品的信息化&面向机械装备的信息技术

    Informatization of Mechanical Product & Some Information Techniques for Mechanical Equipment

  15. 现代农产品物流信息化及技术现状分析

    Analysis on Modern Agricultural Products Logistics Informationization and Technology Situation

  16. 第三,要建立农产品的信息化平台。

    Third , we should build up agricultural information platform .

  17. 曲靖市农产品市场信息化问题的探讨

    Exploration on Marketing Informatization of Agricultural Products in Qujing City

  18. 产品开发信息化探讨

    Exploration to Informationization of Products Development

  19. 知识经济时代,企业竞争优势已逐步从传统的物质产品转向信息化、无形化和连续化的创新能力。

    In knowledge economy times , the predominance of corporation becomes from traditional products to the innovated competence which is more informationalized , immaterialized and continuousized .

  20. 随着现代物流体系自动化程度的提高,企业自我保护意识的增强,产品的信息化管理成为现代企业管理的一个重要组成部分,而条形码作为产品信息化管理的有效方法也得到了广泛的应用。

    With automatic advance of the modern logistics system and self-protection awareness of enterprises , barcode as an important role of modern enterprise management , provides high-efficient information-based management and has been widely used .

  21. 依据现代产品设计信息化、系列化、商品化、生态化的发展特征,从产品设计的物质性、精神性、民族性、时代性和自然性五部分探讨产品设计的文化性。

    In terms of modern times product design traits : information , series , commodity and ecology , the paper analyzes the culture of product design , including material , mental , nationality , epoch and nature .

  22. 由于银行业务具有多样性及更新快的特点,本篇论文如果从每项业务或金融产品的信息化来研究标准体系,将会使该标准体系臃肿、其标准大量重复。

    As we know , bank operations have characteristics of diversities and quick-renewed , if this paper research the system from the point of view of bank operations , the system will be more swollen and its standards will be overlapped greatly .

  23. 农产品质量安全信息化技术进展及应用前景

    Review and Application Prospects of Information Technology for Agricultural Products safety

  24. 黑龙江省农产品加工企业信息化评价体系研究

    A Research of Heilongjiang Province Agriculture Products Processing Enterprise Information Evaluation System

  25. 伴随IT产品升级和信息化需求的加巨,数据中心的能耗问题已摆在突出的位置上。

    Along with IT products upgrading and information technology needs increasing , data center power consumption has been in a prominent position .

  26. 系统的实现为西南公司客户管理、价格信息管理和商务纠纷管理提供了重要的信息技术支持,取得了重要的实际应用成果,为化工产品销售企业信息化提供了重要的借鉴意义。

    The system provided an important technique support for PetroChina Southwest Company customer information management , price information management and business dispute management . The system has been proved successful in real applications , and has been a significant reference for other chemical sales companies .

  27. 论述了在发电企业经营形式紧张的状况以及选择企业资产管理(EAM)产品来进行电厂信息化工作、改进电厂管理的必要性。

    This paper describes the running pressure on power generation enterprises , and analyzes the necessity of choosing enterprise asset management ( EAM ) products for power plant informatization to improve power plant management .

  28. 针对SG公司精益产品开发管理的信息化需求,详细论述了产品开发管理的优化方案,并就过程中的每一项工作进行了阐述和分析,建立了离散型制造业通用的管理模型。

    As for the lean product development information requirement for SG Company , this article expounds the optimum proposal of product development management , then explains and analyzes every link of the product development process . Based on that , a common intermittent manufacturing company management model was established .

  29. 复杂产品制造企业管理信息化平台关键技术研究

    Study on key technologies of the management informationization platform for complicated products manufacturer

  30. 论文的研究将对医疗器械产品销售管理的信息化发展具有着一定的研究价值。

    The study of this thesis would have certain positive value to the medical device products sales management informatization .