
  • 网络Industry Security;industry safety;industrial safety
  1. 对WTO后过渡期中国产业安全的思考

    Consideration On Industry Security of China in Transition Period After entering WTO

  2. WTO框架下辽宁省产业安全政策选择

    Industry security policy selection in Liaoning Province under WTO framework

  3. 浅析加入WTO后我国的文化产业安全问题

    A Brief Analysis of China 's Culture Security After WTO Entry

  4. 加入WTO石油和化学工业产业安全维护与应对措施

    Safety Defense and Countermeasures of Petroleum and Chemical Industries after Entry into WTO

  5. WTO多边贸易体制对发展中国家产业安全的影响及其对策分析

    The WTO Multilateral Trading System Influence on the Safety of the Developing Country Industry and the Related Measures

  6. 因此本文着重从引进国际直接投资(FDI)的视角探讨国际投资诱导型产业安全问题。

    This dissertation attempts to discuss international investment-induced industry security from the perspective of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) .

  7. 基于DEA的跨国并购影响下的产业安全评价

    Research of the Industrial Security under the Impact of Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions Based-on DEA Method

  8. 加入WTO以后,我国大豆市场不断开放,面对国际市场的冲击,过高的对外依存度和大豆定价权的缺失,不断威胁着我国的大豆产业安全以及国家的粮食安全。

    Chinese soybean industry safety and national food safety are threatened since the lack of soybean price decision right under the impact from the international market .

  9. WTO的《保障措施协定》提供了对成员方内部产业安全的保护手段,也因此引起了保障措施争端。

    Agreement of Safeguard Measurement of WTO offers some means to protect industry safety of its members , and also leads to the dispute of safeguard measures .

  10. 从资本、市场、对外贸易和技术等角度来分析FDI对广东省产业安全的影响;

    The analysis of FDI influences to industrial security is from aspects of capital , market share , foreign trade , and technology etc.

  11. 本论文从企业层面上研究产业安全问题,研究对象选定FDI已经投资企业中,又称股权联盟(包括合资企业和交叉持股企业)中。

    Invested enterprises by FDI have been selected for the subject , which are also known as equity alliances ( including joint ventures and cross-shareholding enterprises ) .

  12. 保障措施是WTO允许的规范国际贸易秩序、保护国内产业安全的重要措施之一,而采取保障措施,必须符合WTO法律制度所规定的各种条件。

    Safeguarding measures , which shall strictly agree with the principles and regulations formulated by WTO legal system , are allowed by WTO to regulate international trade order and protect major domestic industries .

  13. 理论方面主要分析了不同因素对产业安全的影响机理;实证方面,则根据产业安全评价指标体系及DEA模型分析了近几年我国产业安全度。

    The theoretical aspect mainly analyzed the impact mechanism of different factors on the industrial safety ; the empirical aspect mainly analyzed Chinese industrial safety in recent years making use of the evaluation index system and the DEA model .

  14. 一方面FDI的资金、技术及管理优势很大程度上促进了我国机械制造业的升级与进步,但另一方面,越来越多的FDI也给机械制造业的产业安全带来了隐患。

    On the one hand , the advantages on funds , technology and management of FDI largely promote the upgrade and progress of our machinery manufacturing , but on the other hand , more and more FDI also brings hidden trouble to the industry safety of machinery manufacturing .

  15. 文章在介绍和总结QFII制度核心和汽车产业安全的基础上,比较了汽车板块与GM的投资潜力,深入剖析汽车板块吸引QFII投资的障碍,最后提出汽车板块增强竞争力吸引QFII投资的思路。

    Based on the core of QFII system and the safety of automotive industry , it compares the investment potential between auto block and GM , analyzes the obstacle of QFII investment , puts forward method to enhance the auto block competitiveness to attract investment .

  16. 基于物元可拓分析的高新技术产业安全研究

    The Evaluation of Security for Hi-tech Industry Based on Hierarchy Method

  17. 中国产业安全态势评估、国际借鉴及若干对策建议

    Estimate on Chinese Industrial Safety , International Experience and Some Suggestions

  18. 国家经济安全与产业安全研究综述

    Theories : Review of National Economy Security and Industrial Security

  19. 对此,我们首先要从战略高度制定文化产业安全目标;

    We should first work out goals for culture security .

  20. 入世对中国金融产业安全的影响

    Entering WTO 's Influence on the Security of Finance Industry in China

  21. 合理运用贸易救济措施维护中国产业安全

    Rational Use of Trade Relief Measures to Safeguard China 's Industry Safety

  22. 开放条件下我国物流产业安全形成机理

    The Mechanism of Chinese Logistics Industry Security in Open Economy

  23. 中俄林产品贸易的关税博弈与产业安全研究

    Study on Tariffs Game of Sino-Russian Forest Product Trade and Industry Safety

  24. 本文基于产业安全的视角,集中于在农业产业领域进行综合性研究。

    This article is a comprehensive study of the agricultural industry fields .

  25. 如何利用反倾销政策,有效保护国内产业安全?

    How to make use of anti-dumping measure to protect domestic industries ?

  26. 第一,国内装备制造业产业安全分析。

    The first is the industry security analysis of domestic equipment manufacturing .

  27. 除此之外,还涉及到产业安全问题。

    In addition , this part still involves the industrial security issues .

  28. 外商直接投资与广东产业安全的关系研究

    The Study on the Relation between Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Security

  29. 同时根据模型结果指出我国产业安全目前存在的隐患。

    Besides , this article indicated the hazards existing in Chinese industry .

  30. 产业安全视角下中国外资政策效应研究

    Study on China 's Foreign Investment Policy Effect in Perspective of Industrial Safety