
  • 网络Trading Hours;Transaction Time;date;GMT
  1. 电子商务提高了传统贸易活动效率,具有缩短商品交易时间、降低交易费用的优点。

    E-commerce enhances the efficiency of the traditional trading activities . Has the advantage of Merchandise with shorter trading hours and lower transaction costs .

  2. 前项声明须立即全部成交否则取消之买卖申报仅得于交易时间内为之。

    Trading orders stating a requirement of immediate execution in full or else cancellation as referred to in the preceding paragraph may be entered during trading hours only .

  3. 例如,假设一个想像的Web服务的总交易时间为两秒。

    For example , assume the total transaction time of an imaginary web service is two seconds .

  4. 网络交易时间(Networktransactiontime):客户机需花多长时间向远程Web服务发出一个请求。

    Network transaction time : How long it takes the client to make a request to the remote web service .

  5. 两大巨头合并的官方申明宣布之前的周三,当日交易时间结束的最后45分钟内,baesystems的股票暴涨。

    BAE Systems shares soared in the last 45 minutes of trading Wednesday before the announcement was made official .

  6. 中国主要石油和天然气生产商中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetrochinaCo.,简称:中国石油)在周一几个小时的交易时间内成为了全球最大的公司。

    PetroChina Co. , the main oil and gas producer in China , became the world 's biggest company in the course of a few hours of trading yesterday .

  7. 这是Karin和一个男人&商店老板之间的电话对话,她在询问他们的交易时间。

    It 's a telephone conversation between Karin and a man who owns a store , and she asks about their hours of business .

  8. 充足的大板库存保证了订单交易时间的如期完成。

    Hundreds of granite & marble slabs in stock for your options .

  9. 然而,东京商品交易所的交易时间仅为5个小时。

    Yet TOCOM offers only five hours of trading .

  10. 管理并缓解软件开发风险,降低交易时间,并提升产品质量

    Manage and mitigate software development risks , reduce time-to-market , and improve product quality

  11. 在交易时间定期更新证券的价格(3%的证券更新)

    Security prices are updated regularly during a business day ( three percent security updates )

  12. 定位到交易时间,好了

    at the time of transaction now .

  13. 这里的交易时间实际上也是一种经济时间。

    It is also an economic time .

  14. 央行上一次延长交易时间是在6月份钱荒期间。

    The central bank last allowed an extended trading session during the June cash crunch .

  15. 甲方在正常的交易时间内可以随时修改密码。

    Party A can modify the passwords at any time during the normal operation hours .

  16. 有时也指某一合约已经发生的交易时间。

    In some cases this phrase denotes the period already passed in which trading has already occurred .

  17. 财政部让投资者有更畅通的贷款渠道,并且缩短了期货的交易时间。

    The Finance Ministry gave investors easier access to borrowed money and curbed the hours of futures trading .

  18. 受该项报告影响,美国股市当天下午在最后两个小时的交易时间内出现震荡。

    In response to the report , the stock markets tumbled in the last two hours of trading .

  19. 企业并不能做出基于成本、特性、价值与交易时间之上的智能决策。

    Enterprises have to make intelligent decisions based on cost , features , value , and time to market .

  20. 在局部信任值的计算中,会引入交易时间、交易金额、交易评价和时间窗口T这四个因素。

    In the local trust calculation , the four factors : the trade time , transaction amount , trading evaluation and time window are considered .

  21. 它们的价格会不会象招行权证那样在最后两周的交易时间里出现大副波动?

    Can their price be in in that way like card of action travel authority finally two weeks trade does mate wave motion appear in time ?

  22. 一些国家正建立新的审查制度,导致交易时间变长、复杂程度和所受限制增加,从而增加了投资障碍。

    Some countries are setting up new screening mechanisms that result in longer , more complex and more regulated transactions , raising the bar for investment .

  23. 证券市场流动性包含了价格因素、量因素和交易时间因素三方面内容,但现有的众多流动性测度指标只衡量市场的某一方面因素。

    Securities market liquidity is described by price element , volume element and transaction time element usually , but most indicators measure the only one aspect .

  24. 通过对交易时间与非交易时间效应及周日效应的分析,对中国股票市场信息传递效率的问题展开实证研究。

    This study attempts to explore the efficiency of information transfer in China stock market by analysis of the trading and non trading time effect and the weekday effect .

  25. 此配置是一个非常昂贵的必需品。这因为交易时间接近于光速,而且让光到达目的更快的方法是减少距离。

    That 's because trade times are approaching the speed of light , and the only way to make light reach its destination quicker is to shorten the trip .

  26. 伊斯特布鲁克表示,点餐模式的改变将给消费者提供更多便利,同时也能提高效率每名顾客的交易时间能缩短3至4秒钟。

    Mr Easterbrook said the changes would make life easier for consumers as well as improve efficiency , with average transactions three to four seconds shorter for each customer .

  27. 交易者将随着市场环境的变化,调整交易时间配置和空间分布的组合,以求达到交易成本最小化。

    Along with the change of market environment , firms and merchants will adjust the time arrangement and spatial distribution combination of transaction in order to achieve the minimum transaction .

  28. 在正式交易时间以外的交易他立刻想像到交易所里此刻也许正在万声的狂噪中跌停了板。

    Out-of-hours trading His thoughts immediately went to the Exchange : perhaps at this very minute prices were plunging down to the limit amid the frantic yelling of the crowd !

  29. 今年3月,沪港通南向成交量增长了2.5倍,达到350亿港元。而在这个月,在不到3天的交易时间里,沪港通南向成交量就已达到240亿港元。

    Southbound turnover rose 250 per cent in March to HK $ 35bn , but has already hit HK $ 24bn in fewer than three days of trading this month .

  30. 在处理其他股东优先购买权时,需要认真对待同等条件,同等条件包括价格、数量、支付方式、交易时间和从给付等,尤以价格和数量条件最为重要。

    The same conditions include price , quantity , the way of payment , transaction time and the attachments and so on , of which price and quantity are most important .