
  • 网络link exchange;exchange links
  1. 免费的目录通常要求交换链接,但是你应该记住,如果你有在你的网页有很多链接,搜索引擎可以减少您的网页搜索引擎结果排名或等级。

    The free directories usually ask for link exchange , however you should remember that if you have many links on your web page , search engines can reduce your page ranks or rank on search engine result .

  2. 如果您有诚意与我们交换链接的话,请联系我们或者在此回复进行申请,格式如下。

    If you have a good faith exchange links with us , please do us the link first and leave your link information .

  3. RESTWeb服务支持应用程序交换链接数据。

    REST Web services enable applications to exchange linked data .

  4. 这种方式也非常便于交换链接。

    This is also a handy way of featuring link exchanges .

  5. 自然的交换链接也很重要。

    Natural commutative link is very important also .

  6. 交换链接,只有与你的网站相关的网站,以及相关的行业网站的方法。

    Commutative link , have the website related to your website only , and the method of relevant industry website .

  7. 如果你想跟我交换链接,请留言,但不要期待我回复。

    If you want to take a exchange , please leave a message , but don 't expect a reply .

  8. 想跟您交换一下链接不知道可否?

    I am a guy who want to know more ?

  9. 欢迎各兄弟网站与本站交换友情链接,共同发展。

    Welcome Web site and various fraternal exchange Site Links , and common development .

  10. 但是在交换友情链接的时候,很多情况下,却被网站主搞得很有意思。

    But when exchanging friendship to link , below a lot of circumstances , however by the website advocate do very meaningly .

  11. 当然最好的还是与快照新的网站交换首页链接了,这方法的效果更好。

    Of course the best thing is a snapshot of the new site and link exchange page , this method is better .

  12. 虚拟科研团队是一种以多研究主体为基础、以交换为链接方式、以协作与合作为相互关系实现同向目标的新型非实体性研究群体。

    Virtual research teams are a new type of research groups based on multiple research subjects and exchange between them , and the subjects cooperate to attain common goals .