
  • 网络cross-functional team
  1. 对比自我管理团队和交叉功能团队。

    Contrast self-managed and cross-functional teams .

  2. 模块化策略部署矩阵、模块团队与交叉功能团队是实施模块化产品开发的有效方法。

    Modular Policy Deployment Matrix , Cross-Functional Teams and modular teams are effective tactics during the implementation of TDCE .

  3. 阐述了基于时间竞争条件下物流周期压缩的主要方法:并行工程、全面质量管理、延迟化策略、绿色再制造和运用交叉功能团队进行生产。

    The paper discusses the main methods of logistics lead-time reduction on time-based competition including CE , TQM , postponement strategy , green remanufacturing and CFT in operation .

  4. 将基于FitNesse的验收测试应用于交叉功能测试团队成员间的协作,是一个帮助团队内部交流的好方法。

    Using FitNesse based acceptance tests for collaboration between cross-functional team members is a great way to help communication within the team .

  5. 您应该用负责每个主要组件的交叉功能的团队默认组织您的架构。

    You should organize around your architecture as the default , with cross-functional teams responsible for each major component .