
  • 网络intermodulation interference
  1. 在车载通信系统电磁兼容(EMC)测试中,车载电台间的互调干扰测试是很重要的内容。

    In electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) testing of vehicle communication system , intermodulation interference between vehicle radio stations is a very important content .

  2. 车载通信系统设备间互调干扰研究

    Research on intermodulation interference between equipment in vehicle communication system

  3. 高容量SCM光纤通信系统中互调干扰的分析

    Analysis of Intermodulation Interference in High Capacity SCM Optical Fiber Communication System

  4. 基于2阶低频互调干扰信号的HPA预失真法

    A Design of predistortion HPA Using 2nd order Low Frequency Intermodulation Signal

  5. 系统电磁兼容(EMC)设计中,无线设备间互调干扰是非常严重的一个问题。

    Intermodulation interference is a most serious problem in the electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) design .

  6. VSAT上变频器的杂散、互调干扰分析与电路的优化设计

    Analysis on the Spurious and Intermodulation Products and Circuit Optimization of VSAT Up-converter

  7. 通过进一步分析首次发现了采用Q-SS技术能够完全消除三阶和五阶的互调干扰。

    By further analysis , it is firstly discovered that Q-SS technique can completely eliminate the third and the fifth intermodulation interferences .

  8. 探讨了无源互调干扰的产生机理及其减小措施。

    The generation mechanism and mitigation measures of PIM are discussed .

  9. 闭路电视系统交调和互调干扰的抑制方法

    Restrains method of interference with crossmodulation and intermodulation in CATV

  10. 微波与射频频段无源互调干扰研究

    Study of Passive Intermodulation Interference at Microwave and RF Frequencies

  11. 其次,讨论了无线寻呼系统中的互调干扰问题,分析了互调干扰频率相互之间的关系,以及互调干扰的特点,互调干扰查找中的计算量的大小问题。

    Secondly , some questions about intermodulation interference are presented and discussed .

  12. 卫星定位通信系统中互调干扰的抑制

    Restrain of Intermodulation Interference in the System of Satellite Position and Communication

  13. 分析了移动通信系统中的无源互调干扰。

    Passive intermodulation interference in mobile communication system is analyzed .

  14. 双工移动通信系统的接收机互调干扰模型

    The model of receiver intermodulation interference among the duplex mobile communication systems

  15. 通信系统无源非线性引起的互调干扰

    Intermodulation interference due to passive nonlinearity in communication systems

  16. 无源互调干扰对通信系统抗噪性能的影响

    The effects of passive intermodulation interference on the anti-noise property of communications systems

  17. 分析交调与互调干扰产生的原因及其抑制方法

    Cause analysis and restraining ways of intermixing modulation interference and mutual modulation interference

  18. 多寻呼发射机互调干扰分析及避免方法的研究

    Analysis of Intermodulated Interference among Paging Transmitters and the Study on Avoiding Interference Methods

  19. 本文主要讨论了移动通信系统无三阶互调干扰的无线电信道排列法。

    The paper is purposed at a discussion of third-order intermodulation-free radio channel assignment methods .

  20. 干扰的种类很多,比如杂散干扰、阻塞干扰、互调干扰等等。

    There are various types of interference , e.g. spurious emission , blocking , intermodulation and etc.

  21. 移动通讯中互调干扰的分析

    Analysis of Intermodulations in Mobile Communications

  22. 消除京广微波干线乌山站互调干扰的方案研究与实施

    Project research and implement about troubleshooting intermodulation distortion of Wushan station in Jing-Guang microwave wireless line

  23. 分析了闭路电视系统交调和互调干扰产生的原因,介绍了抑制干扰的方法。

    Analyzes the reason of interference with crossmodulation and intermodulation in CATV , introduces the restrain method .

  24. 提出一种基于2阶低频互调干扰信号的一种预失真线性化器。

    This paper presents a new predistortion linearizer which uses the 2nd order low frequency intermodulation signal .

  25. 在大功率多通道系统中的无源互调干扰主要是由无源系统的非线性引起的。

    The Passive Intermodulation interference phenomenon in high power multi-channel systems is attributable to many sources of non-linearity within the system .

  26. 本文主要讨论单个无线电区中无三阶互调干扰的带宽信道数下限值和用高速数字计算机计算三阶相容信道差值序列的方法。

    Within a single radio service area , the lower limit for the number of bandwidth-channels free from third-order intermodulation interference is here discussed .

  27. 本文就是从系统电磁兼容的角度考虑,重点阐述了互调干扰的原理和测试方法,并给出了解决互调干扰问题的一些方法。

    In this paper , interference principle and testing measurement are represented from the attitude of EMC , and some settle programs are presented .

  28. 随着多频道共用移动电话系统的出现,互调干扰将日趋严重,以致使在一定范围内严重影响通信。

    With the advent of multi-channel mobile telephone systems , intermodulation interferences will become increasingly high , often resulting in serious impairments on communication .

  29. 为了降低镜频干扰、交调和互调干扰,接收机采用了双中频方案。

    In order to decrease the mirror frequency interference , cross interference and inter-modulation interference , double IF ( Intermediate Frequency ) is adopted in the receiver .

  30. 设定的接收机互调干扰模型适用于陆地移动业务机助频谱管理和陆地移动通信工程的潜在干扰分析。

    The established model of receiver intermodulation interference is suitable for computer-aided spectrum management of the land-mobile services and potential interference analysis of the land-mobile communications engineering .