
  • 网络complementary effect;Complement;complement effect
  1. 一年生植物群落内取样效应和互补效应的分离

    Separating sampling effect from complementary effect in the annual plant communities

  2. 析学校体育与社区体育的互补效应

    Analysis of the Complementary Effect between School Physical Education and Community Sports

  3. 中值滤波法与梯度法的互补效应在CT图像处理中的应用

    The Application of Commutative Supplement of the Method of Median Filter and Gradient in the Process of CT Image

  4. 第五章的第二节,则强调了教师制度之间应该具有互补效应。

    The second section emphasizes a complementation effect with teaching systems .

  5. 己雌酚与甲基硫氧嘧啶对家禽肥育的互补效应

    The complementary effect of stilbestrol and methylthiouracil on the fattening of cockerels

  6. 矿渣粉煤灰的优势互补效应

    Study of dominant complementation effect on slag and PFA

  7. 保险和银行体制的深化显然在经济增长过程中发挥互补效应。

    Insurance and banking system deepening appear to play complementary roles in the growth process .

  8. 具有工作互补效应的团队工作管理激励与约束机制设计

    An Incentive and Restricting Mechanism Design for Group Work Management Based on Cooperation Effect in the Work

  9. 集群内存在较强的互补效应,随物种丰富度的增加呈近似“钟型”曲线变化;

    A stronger complementary effect was observed inside the assemblage , presenting a hump-shaped variation with increasing species richness .

  10. 由于生产性服务业集聚与不同形态的制造业集聚的互动性存在一定的差异性,这就使得生产性服务业集聚和制造业集聚在整体上除了存在互补效应外,还存在挤出效应。

    The difference of interaction between producer services and manufacturing sub-sector agglomeration leads to complementary effect and crowding-out effect between them .

  11. 其协同关系规律表明两者可以实现管理效应和资金优势及信息互补效应。

    The coordinate relation of two indicates that they can realize complement effect in the advantages of management , fund and information .

  12. 教学方法的合理综合运用,能产生优势互补效应,有助于提高教学效果。

    The reasonable unified application of the teaching method may have the effect of complementary advantages and promote the effect of teaching .

  13. 小岛清模型认为国际直接投资的贸易效应是互补效应,其实质就是贸易创造效应。

    Kiyoshi Model believes that the trade effect of foreign direct investment is complementary effect the essence of which is trade creation effect .

  14. 直接投资对国际贸易总量的影响主要有投资的贸易替代效应和投资对贸易的互补效应。

    Direct investment in the total impact on international trade are mainly investment substitution effect of trade and investment in complementary effects on trade .

  15. 由于县、乡、村的资源和优势有所不同,在县域经济发展中存在较强的互补效应,应从发展县域经济的角度来调整目前的农村治理结构。

    As villages , counties and towns possess different nature resources and advantages , they have strong complementary effect in the development of area economy .

  16. 同时,基于这层关系,本文研究了双重集聚的互动所产生的互补效应和挤出效应。

    At the same time , based on this relationship , this paper studies complementary effect and crowding-out effect generated by the dual agglomeration interaction .

  17. 投资对贸易的互补效应主要表现为投资的贸易创造效应以及其他的投资的贸易补充效应。

    Complementary effects on trade , investment mainly for investment in the trade creation effect as well as other investments in complementary effect of trade .

  18. 企业文化建设与现代企业制度之间有着双向的共生效应和互补效应。

    There is a mutual relationship between the establishment of corporation culture and modern corporation system , which has the paragenesis effect and supplementary effect .

  19. 已有的一些理论和实证研究表明,公开信息和私有信息之间存在两种不同的关系&替代效应和互补效应。

    Some theoretical and empirical research indicated that there are two kinds of relations between public information and private information : substitute effect and supplementary effect .

  20. 而在多年生群落中,混播群落中不仅程度不同地存在互补效应,而且,互补效应与物种多样性间呈显著正相关关系。

    In perennial communities , however , complementary effects existed almost in all mixtures , and there are significantly linear correlations between species diversity and complementarity .

  21. 两者之间根据木桶定理及互补效应,实现农作物多种养分资源的科学配置及高效综合利用,将营养套餐施肥技术提到了一个新的高度。

    It achieved scientific allocation and efficient synthetically utilization of varieties of nutrients in crop , it enhanced the nutrient package fertilization to a new height .

  22. 本文认为公司治理与自愿性信息披露存在着互补效应,即公司治理越完善,自愿性信息披露的水平就越高。

    There is complementary relationship between corporate governance and voluntary disclosure , which means more perfect the corporate governance is , the better voluntary disclosure will be .

  23. 菌剂与复合肥在增强草坪草抗寒性方面对不同的指标表现出互补效应和不可替代效应同时存在。

    Study on applying bacteria fertilizer and chemical fertilizer showed a concurrence of the complementarity effect and the unreplacement effect to different indexes on cold resistance enhancement .

  24. 4种微生物均具有较高的纤维素酶活性,并且在蛋白酶、酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性上,表现出了活性高低的互补效应。

    Four kinds of microorganisms were proved with higher cellulase activity , and the activities showed a complementary effect at the protease , acid phosphatase and catalase activity .

  25. 本文对矿渣和粉煤灰的优势互补效应进行了研究,并采用适当的外加剂来提高水泥的早期强度。

    In this text , the dominant complementation effect of slag and fly ash is studied , and suitable admixtures are used to improve the early strength of blended cement .

  26. 取样效应和生态位互补效应可同时对物种多样性-生态系统功能关系产生影响,但两种作用机理在不同的群落对物种多样性的变化有不同的响应。

    Sampling effect and complementary effect may simultaneously operate on how species diversity enhances ecosystem functioning , but these two components responded to increasing species diversity differently in two communities .

  27. 在我国经济转轨时期,扩张的民间金融与正规金融形成了互补效应,在一定程度上缓解了民营中小企业融资难的局面,对促进经济与金融的发展,发挥着积极的作用。

    In the turn of our economy , the expanded private finance has become mutually complementary to the normal finance which releases the difficulties of the small-and-middle sized private enterprises .

  28. 组织力参数有显著的分异性,按大小排序,可确定植物种在群落中的作用等级和互补效应。

    The organization parameters of all species in the primary community evidently displayed a separation property , by which the hierarchical relationship and the complementary effect among species could be exhibited .

  29. 从理论和实践的层面深入研究二者的互补效应,对于提高治理国家的水平,推进我国社会主义市场经济体系的完善,大有裨益。

    An in-depth research into the complementation of these two measures will be of great value to improve the effectiveness of leadership and the development of Chinese socialist market economy system .

  30. 通过实证分析产业结构对人力资源配置的影响,确定各产业间的就业(既人力资源配置)的相互替代和互补效应。

    Through the real diagnosis analysis industrial structure to the human resources disposition influence , determines during various industries to the employment already human resources disposition mutual substitution and the supplementary function .