- 名total loss

Air China lost $ 1.1bn on oil price bets last year , accounting for 80 per cent of its total loss in 2008 .
Last June , the International Monetary Fund estimated that total irish bank losses through 2010 could reach 35bn or about 20 per cent of gross domestic product .
( Despite a confusion about IMF numbers for the fiscal cost of UK bank rescues , its forecast of total UK bank losses has not been challenged . )
It had lost a total of $ 361m in the previous two quarters .
That was nearly three-quarters of the losses made by all Indian carriers combined .
The overall credit losses are likely to be close to a staggering $ 2000bn .
The total paper losses will be at least $ 50bn – and quite possibly more .
Meanwhile , China Southern and China Eastern posted a combined net loss of 511 million yuan during the period .
US carriers had a combined pre-tax loss of nearly $ 2bn , excluding special items , in the first quarter .
Carriers in that region were hardest hit by higher fuel prices : Their combined losses are expected to total $ 3.9 billion this year .
Citi , which has been bailed out with $ 45bn of US taxpayers ' money , has suffered a total of more than $ 42bn in credit losses since the beginning of 2008 .
The losses on securities about half of the total , mostly in the US are mark-to-market estimates .
General Motors lost more than $ 30 billion last year , and a total of more than $ 80 billion over the last three years .