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  1. 我们下星期二将出航。

    We sail next tuesday .

  2. 附件一至二将作为本合同的有效组成部分。

    Annexes 1 to 2 form the integral part of the Contract .

  3. 据知情人士透露,imf资金的比例可能占三分之一,另外三分之二将出自欧元区国家。

    According to a person close to the talks , the proportion of funding might be one-third IMF and two-thirds eurozone .

  4. 中产阶级的三分之二将居住在一线城市以外。

    Two-thirds of the middle class will live outside top tier cities .

  5. 它有助于你二将有乐趣。

    It helps and you two will have fun .

  6. 这个故事下个星期二将继续。

    The story will continue next thursday .

  7. 中国官方媒体说,上海这个法庭星期二将原上海浦东新区副区长判刑。

    Chinese state media say the Shanghai court sentenced the former vice governor of the city 's Pudong area , Kang Huijun , on Tuesday .

  8. 与此同时,英国石油公司高层星期二将在一个国会小组听证会上作证,开始接受为期三天有关受损油井操作的质询。

    Meanwhile , executives from the BP oil company will appear Tuesday before a congressional panel , where they will begin three days of questioning about their operation of the damaged oil well .

  9. 《城市故事》的第一、二集将于星期二两集连播。

    Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday .

  10. 第二,将强跟踪滤波器(StrongTrackingFilter)理论引入到多传感数据融合系统中。

    Secondly , the theory of strong tracking filter is adopted in multisensor data fusion system .

  11. 第二,将模糊C均值聚类和模糊神经网络建模方法结合起来。

    A hybrid approach for fuzzy system design based on fuzzy clustering and a kind of fuzzy neural networks .

  12. 第二,将其同Web应用程序脱离意味着您无需担心未授权的Web用户执行它。

    Second , taking it out of the Web application means you won 't have to worry about unauthorized Web users executing it .

  13. 第二节将Ihuh引入浓度方程计算格式,构造了浓度方程的全离散格式。

    Into the computing scheme of the concentration equation to construct the fully-discrete scheme .

  14. 第二部分将GIS所得到的河道地理数据用于象山水库溃坝模拟计算。

    The second part used the river geography data get from GIS into xiangshan reservoir dam-break simulation system .

  15. 这时,平衡盘将对固体K产生挤压,二者将发生相对运动。

    At this time , a balanced set K will have a solid extrusion , relative movement between the two will happen .

  16. 二是将逻辑函数修改技术用于PLA的逻辑综合技术。

    Another is the use of the logic function modification technique [ 1 ] into the synthesis with PLA .

  17. 本文的第二部分将讨论如何改进jQuery代码的性能。

    The second part of this article looks into how to improve the performance of your jQuery code .

  18. 第二章将全面展开MPEG-4的系统部分,场景描述和基本码流的管理是其中的核心内容。它是整个标准的核心,其他各个部分的基础,也是真正体现MPEG-4区别其他类似标准之处。

    The system part of MPEG-4 shall be detailed in chapter two , and the scene descriptor and the management of elementary stream is the core content of the whole standard .

  19. 第二章将主要讨论分数次积分算子与Lipschitz函数生成的交换子在Morrey空间L(·),λ(·)上的有界性。

    The second chapter mainly discusses the boundedness of commutators of fractional integral operator with Lipschitz function on the variable Morrey spaces .

  20. 第一步将肉桂酸制成肉桂酰氯,第二步将肉桂酰氯与苄醇反应制得肉桂酸苄酯。结构经IR,1HNMR和MS确证。

    Benzyl cinnamate was synthesized by a two-step reaction : cinnamic acid reacted with thionyl chloride giving cinnamyl chloride and cinnamyl chloride was then reacted with benzyl alcohol giving benzyl cinnamate whose structure was characterized by IR , 1H NMR and MS.

  21. 即使比不上HBO最有名的热播剧&《黑道家族》,但无论编剧还是表演,都非常优秀。《扪心问诊》第二季将在2009年开播。

    Very well acted and written , if not quite to the stellar standards set by The Sopranos , HBO 's most famous show , its second season is set to air sometime in2009 .

  22. 第二章将从涡旋玻璃态和集体蠕动模型得到的弛豫率s-T关系与实验进行了比较;

    Chapter Two The relation between the relaxation rate s and temperature T derived from the vortex-glass and the collective-creep model is compared with the experiment ;

  23. 下个月,第二部分将提供关于创造方法内容和过程的更详细信息,包括指导和对RMC支持的不同形式的指导的评述。

    Next month , Part Two will provide even more details about authoring method content and processes , including guidance and a review of the different forms of guidance supported by RMC .

  24. 方案二通过将8bit的灰度图象数据看成8个位面二值图象的叠加来实现方案的简化。

    And the second scheme is to transform 8 bit image data into the sum of 8 bit-plane binary images for simplification .

  25. 他们说,他们星期二晚上将开始公布死者的姓名。

    They said they would begin naming the dead late Tuesday .

  26. 第四季第二部分将在明年2月份回归。

    The second half of the season will return in February .

  27. 第二大部分将对网络侵权问题产生的根源作进一步的探究。

    The second part will trace the root of network infringement .

  28. 本文的第二部分将主要介绍中间件的设置。

    The second part of the article is dedicated to middleware setup .

  29. 二是将肿瘤坏死因子与其它蛋白共同构建双功能的融合蛋白;

    The construction of bi-function fusion proteins with other proteins ;

  30. 第二节将讨论问题诊断和对跟踪的分析。

    The second section will deal with diagnosing problems and analyzing traces .