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  • 第二审 second instance
  1. 第一百五十八条第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Article 158 he judgment and the written order of a people 's court of second instance shall be final .

  2. 第四十一条人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。

    Article 41 The people 's court of second instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel of judges .

  3. 第一百五十九条人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。

    Article 159 The people 's court trying a case on appeal shall conclude the case within three months after docketing the case .

  4. 发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第二审法院作出的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定;

    dgment or order ; " " if the legally effective judgment or written order was made by a court of second instance , the case shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of second instance , and the new judgment or written order shall be legally effective ; "

  5. 不服气的高某在二审期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做DNA鉴定。

    It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal .

  6. VRM也可以与其他服务器中的VRM二审程序同步运行,以确保数据的备份。

    The VRM can be synchronized with a second instance of VRM running on another server to provide backup .

  7. 论民事诉讼第二审程序的改革与完善

    The Reform and Perfection of the Second Instance of Civil Litigation

  8. 文章认为第二审程序是一种救济程序,其设立宗旨在于保证裁判的正当性,仅仅将第二审程序理解为纠错程序是有偏差的。

    The dissertation regards the second instance as a remedy procedure .

  9. 本文主要探讨的是刑事二审抗诉。

    This paper mainly discusses the criminal trial of the protest .

  10. 但我国目前二审程序存在诸多缺陷。

    But there are many flaws in our current appeals procedure .

  11. 《生物安全法草案》提交二审。

    A draft biosecurity law was submitted for a second reading .

  12. 再审是民事诉讼机制中一个重要的程序制度,设立本制度的目的在于保证判决的正确性,它与一审、二审程序衔接,共同促进民事诉讼目标的实现。

    Retrial procedure is the most important system in the civil lawsuit .

  13. 论同罪个案间的量刑均衡&由二审对量刑不当案件改判引发的思考

    On the Balance of Penalty Measurement between Cases of the Same Nature

  14. 二审期间,公诉机关对自己的指控和定罪进行了辩护。

    During the ap-peal , prosecutors stood by the charges and conviction .

  15. 审判机关在刑事二审程序中存在的问题及对策对我国刑事审判中法官和当事人地位的反思

    Problems and Countermeasure of Judicial Organs in Criminal Procedure at Second Instance

  16. 二审法院将择日宣判。

    Court of second instance will choose a sentencing date .

  17. 刑事第二审程序研究

    Research on the Criminal Procedure System of Second Instance

  18. 如实供述后在二审翻供的不影响自首的认定。

    Second statement after the facts of confession does not affect the surrendered .

  19. 民事二审程序的功能定位及其裁判方式

    On the Functional Definition and the Rule of Decision in the Second Civil Instance

  20. 该草案于四月份进行了二审。

    The draft a second reading in April .

  21. 我国刑事二审发回重审制度的反思与重构

    Thoughts and Reconstruction on the Remand for Retrial System in the Process of Appealing Trial

  22. 对民事再审事由的思考有关公诉案件二审发回重审程序的几点思考

    A Consideration on Reasons for Civil Rehearing Review on rehearing of procedure of second instance

  23. 论刑事二审程序的完善

    On Improving Criminal Procedure of Second Instance

  24. 二审程序不仅要顾及实体公正,也要兼顾程序公正与诉讼效率。

    The second instance should reflect substantive justice and procedural justice and efficiency as well .

  25. 刑事二审的审查范围是刑事诉讼制度的一个基本理论范畴。

    Criminal review of criminal prosecution system is one of the basic theoretical aspects in theory .

  26. 二审程序与死刑复核程序合并适用问题分析

    Analysis on the Combination of the Second Trial Procedure and the Re-check Procedure of Life Sentence

  27. 不得向上级人民法院就二审案件提出个人的处理建议和意见。

    Should not issue his personal views to the superior courts about the second instance cases .

  28. 第十四章第二审程序

    Chapter XIV Procedure of Second Instance

  29. 刑事二审程序应当具有权利救济功能和裁判过滤功能。

    The criminal procedure of second instance has two functions , namely right remedy and judgment review .

  30. 第二审法院的基本审判职能应当确定为监督初审法院的司法审判,依法纠正裁判错误,保障个案裁判的正确性和法律适用上的统一。

    The function of second instance court is to supervise the first trial court and correct mistakes .