
  1. 一种“二入四出”爆炸逻辑网络研究

    Study on an Explosive Logic Circuit with Two-input-four-output

  2. 因此,探究李白二入长安时的诗歌创作对研究李白在长安的生活及思想状况大有裨益。

    Therefore , exploring his poetry writing during that time is significant to study his life and thinking in Chang'an .

  3. 对于某些巨大垂体腺瘤,可选二种入路或几种入路联合进行,能够提高全切率、降低死亡率和复发率、减少术后并发症。

    For some kinds of giant pituitary adenomas , to choose two or more approaches can improve the rate of total tumor removal and decrease the complications and recurrence of giant pituitary adenomas .

  4. 第二年他入了党。

    In the following year he joined the Communist Party .

  5. 随着CW电视台的《尼基塔》第二季渐入尾声,女主角将不得不面对一些曾经不堪回首的往事。

    When the CW drama kicks off the final episodes of season two , its heroine will be forced to deal with issues left off to the side .

  6. IMDb表示,这部网飞原创剧集第二季渐入平淡内敛,而不是聚焦狗血和鸡毛。

    The Netflix original series carried a lighter tone into its second season , without skimping on the drama or emotion , IMDb said .

  7. 第二部分,入世后国内银行业的发展状况分析。

    The second section , analyzes development condition of Chinese domestic bank after entering the WTO .

  8. 目的解剖观测胎儿肝静脉在第二肝门入下腔静脉的形态特征。

    Objective To dissect and observe the structure of fetal hepatic veins at the secondary porta of liver .

  9. 二是初入市场,信息不对称,导致成本增加。

    Second the company joined the market for ashort of time , information asymmetry , leading to increased cost .

  10. 杜甫重新确立了独立咏物诗的传统,并作出重大发展:一是通过刻画来发掘事物的独特比喻意义,二是移情入物;

    Du Fu has reestablished the tradition of object-chanting poetry and made some significant developments : 1 . to explore the unique metaphorical meaning via detailed description ;

  11. 第二部分从入世、经济一体化、技术进步和产业政策四个方面分析了青岛市旅游产业组织优化的环境条件。

    The second part analyzes the circumstance , where Qingdao tourist industrial organization is optimized , from WTO , economic integration , technological improvement and industrial policies .

  12. 本文就30例寰枕畸形的二种手术入路前后的护理进行了探讨。其中7例为经口咽入路手术,其余23例为后路减压。

    The nursing of 30 congenital anomalies of atlanto - occipital region which operated by two approch was discussed , 7 were by transoral approch , 23 were by back approch .

  13. 欠平衡钻井循环系统是一个多相流体流动的非稳定压力系统,它受注入流体气液比,储层流体二次充入,地面回压等因素控制。

    The circulating system of underbalance pressure drilling is a multiphase fluid flowing unsteady pressure system , which is controlled by such factors as the air liquid ratio of pumped fluid , second invaded reservoir fluid , surface back pressure and state equation etc.

  14. 平流式二沉池中入流挡板设计探讨

    Consideration on Design of Inlet Baffle in Flat Flow Final Settling Basin

  15. 二者均应入每日课程计划。

    Both should he written into the daily lesson plans .

  16. 第二章探讨了入世后金融环境的变化。

    Chapter Two probes the changes of financial environment since China 's entering the WTO .

  17. 在二甲醚中掺入氢气燃烧,可有效改善二甲醚发动机的燃烧和性能,并同时大幅度降低发动机的废气排放水平。

    DME fuel mixed with hydrogen will be helpful to improve engine performance and reduce engine emissions .

  18. 依前二项规定没入之设备或器材,不问属于何人所有,均得为之。

    Confiscation of equipment or devices pursuant to two preceding two paragraphs shall be imposed to the property of anybody .

  19. 前墙拱下二次风喷入炉膛内即转折向上,冲向后墙拱下区域。

    Secondary air under arch turned upwards after it entered front wall region of the furnace . Then it flowed towards rear wall region under arch .

  20. 石膏掺入量在3%~4%可以获得较高的3天和28天抗压强度,在合适的二水石膏掺入量下,混合水泥的泌水性和抗压强度均明显高于加权值,略低于回转窑水泥。

    At an appropriate amount of gypsum , the compressive strength and bleeding of mixed cement are larger that the plus of these kinds cements ' strength and bleeding , but smaller slightly than the rotary kiln cement .