
shū jiǎo
  • book corner
  1. 许多男孩子都有折书角的习惯,结果书坏得很快。

    Many boys tend to bend the corners of book pages over and , as a result , damage their books fast .

  2. 请不要把书角折回。

    Please don 't turn the corners of the pages back .

  3. 不要向下折书角。

    Don 't turn down the comer of a page .

  4. 看见书角卷了起来,影响你的学者的感情了。

    It jars your scholarly feelings to see the pages dog 's-eared .

  5. 一本小册子的书角砸在他的嘴角上。

    The corner of a small catalog stung the corner of his mouth .

  6. 我不会折了书角,以至将其逐渐损坏。

    I will not turn its corners down to spoil it more and more .

  7. 在书角上折一下来作读到哪里的记号。

    Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book .

  8. 有一页书角是折着的,上面一首诗的旁边有个铅笔星号。

    The corner of one page was turned down , and there was a penciled star by one of the poems .

  9. 半装:书籍装订的一种款式。书背和书角用一种装订材料,其他用另一种装订材料。

    Half bound : Style of binding in which the back and corner covering are of one material and the remainder of another .

  10. 有人把书折角,图书馆管理员是不会乐意的。

    The librarian wouldn 't like his books being earmarked .

  11. 书边角在开始卷曲。

    The leaf was beginning to crinkle at the edges .

  12. 又是书的边角,气死我了。

    I hate edges of the book .

  13. 你也可以在桌面上点击脸书右上角的挂锁图标,然后点击“对谁可见”来进行微调。

    You can further finetune by clicking on the padlock in the top-right of Facebook on desktop , then " Who can see my stuff ? "

  14. 第三种人藏书或多或少&因不断使用,每本书都书角卷起,破旧不堪,装订破损,书页松散,全书从扉页至末页都画满了记号,涂满了字句。

    The third has a few books or many every one of them dogeared and dilapidated , shaken and loosened by continual use , marked and scribbled in from front to back .

  15. 选择与语文教学相关的课外书建班级图书角,促进学生的课外阅读。鼓励和指导学生写读书笔记。

    Improved access to relevant extra-curricular materials through classroom book corners , and encourage and guide the students to write reading essays .

  16. 从平装书籍打包机的工作流程出发,分析了影响包书质量的包书作角部件的结构设计方案。

    The design scheme of book wrapping and corner making mechanism that influenced packing quality was analyzed beginning with the producing flow of paperbound packer .