
  1. 一辆区间公交车频繁地往返于这家旅馆和那个乡村俱乐部。

    A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club .

  2. 以波士顿郊外35英里的印第安池塘乡村俱乐部(IndianPondCountryClub)为例,它曾多次被theKnot.com评为最受欢迎婚礼场地。

    Take the Indian Pond Country Club , which is located 35 miles outside of Boston , and is a reoccurring best pick by theKnot.com .

  3. 你不只是背着吉他艰难地从一家乡村俱乐部转到另一家。

    You didn 't just schlep your guitar around from folk club to folk club .

  4. 作为文理学院的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege)则斥资7000万美元修建了一个具有乡村俱乐部风格的运动中心。

    Kenyon College , a liberal arts school , has a $ 70 million Athletic Center with similar country club features .

  5. 时光倒流回上世纪五十年代晚期,那时的彼得•林奇还是一个十一岁的懵懂少年,却已经在马萨诸塞州牛顿市的BraeBurn乡村俱乐部(BraeBurnCountryClub)当上了小球童。

    Way back in the late 1950s , at the tender age of 11 , Peter Lynch started caddying at Brae Burn Country Club in Newton , Mass .

  6. 下午他将在蒙特卡洛乡村俱乐部(MonteCarloCountryClub)为NetJets的客户进行一次网球指导,他已经答应届时要跟我“切磋”一场。

    I have been promised a knock with him , as part of an afternoon of tennis clinics he will give at the Monte Carlo Country Club with NetJets clients .

  7. 英国最时尚高尔夫和乡村俱乐部之一温特沃斯高尔夫俱乐部(WentworthClub)的中国股东表示,一场围绕会员费的争端,正在损害英国作为外资投资中心的声誉。

    Chinese investors in one of Britain 's most fashionable golf and country clubs have said that a row over membership fees is hurting the country 's reputation as a centre for foreign investment .

  8. WASP文化尽管在私生活领域――乡村俱乐部、社区、少数预科学校和律师事务所――依然存在,但它作为公共意义上的一种现象已经寿终正寝了。

    WASP culture , though it exists in pockets of private life country clubs , neighborhoods , a few prep schools and law firms is finished as a phenomenon of public significance .

  9. 拉尔夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)即将离任公司首席执行官一职。作为一位被奉为圭臬的美国时尚大师,他利用源于乡村俱乐部和狂野西部服饰的奇思妙想,建立起了一个时装帝国。

    Ralph Lauren , the quintessential American designer who built a fashion empire based on sweeping fantasies of country-club prep and the Wild West , is stepping down from his post as chief executive of the company .

  10. 在一个脆弱和分裂的阵营里——很难想象保罗先生的支持者会力挺圣多伦先生,或者罗姆尼先生乡村俱乐部共和主义的粉丝会看好巴克曼女士的干草叉民粹主义(pitchforkpopulism),像裴瑞先生这样四面讨好的候选人有着很大的机会。

    In a weak and divided field - it is hard to imagine a supporter of Mr Paul succumbing to Mr Santorum 's religiosity , or a fan of Mr Romney 's country-club Republicanism finding much to like in Mrs Bachmann 's pitchfork populism - room exists for an all-things-to-all-men candidate such as Mr Perry .

  11. 这么看来,乡村俱乐部不尽如人意?

    So , the country club wasn 't all you expected ?

  12. 他们与他们的朋友合作创立了一个乡村俱乐部。

    They cooperated with their friends in starting a country club .

  13. 平时不穿去乡村俱乐部时穿

    Not for day to day but at the country club .

  14. 你是注册加入乡村俱乐部了,比利。

    You 're enrolling in a country club , Billy .

  15. 他在瑞奇伍德乡村俱乐部上的没有什么闪失。

    He didn 't miss much at Ridgewood Country Club .

  16. 我们想要在6:00以前到达乡村俱乐部。

    We wanted to get to the country club by6:00 .

  17. 文化娱乐建有综合性乡村俱乐部。

    A comprehensive country club is built as entertainment facility .

  18. 我在她的乡村俱乐部工作过一段时间。

    I worked at her country club a short time .

  19. 我可不想失去乡村俱乐部的位子。

    I 'd hate to lose my table at the country club .

  20. 每年万圣节前夕在乡村俱乐部举行的南瓜狂欢舞会。

    The pumpkin ball annually held on Halloween at the country club .

  21. 我从25岁就成为了这个乡村俱乐部的一份子。

    I belonged to the Country club since I was 25 years old .

  22. 我们的乡村俱乐部花了大量精力将球场维护的近乎完美。

    Our country clubs spend gratuitously to keep their courses in near-perfect condition .

  23. 我只能被困在这里参加乡村俱乐部

    While I 'll be stuck here , hanging at the country club .

  24. 他们干吗不去乡村俱乐部?

    Why aren 't they at the country club ?

  25. 就像是在星期天的乡村俱乐部一样。

    Like it 's Sunday at the country club .

  26. 这个高尔夫球场,是供中国不断膨胀的乡村俱乐部阶层休闲消遣的地方。

    The course is a playground for China 's swelling country club class .

  27. 高尔夫乡村俱乐部住宅,奥比杜什,葡萄牙

    Golfe and country club , obidos , Portugal

  28. 那里有六个高尔夫球场,其中包括罗通达高尔夫乡村俱乐部。

    It has six golf courses , including the Rotonda Golf & Country Club .

  29. 在乡村俱乐部发生的意外。

    About the incident at the country club .

  30. 周六晚上我们这帮人会去乡村俱乐部。

    A bunch of us are going to our country club on Saturday night .