
  • 网络Music Voyager
  1. 他曾凭其首张专辑《乐行者》获得第15届台湾金曲奖最佳新人奖。

    Lin won Best New Artist for his debut album Music Voyager at the 15th Golden Melody Awards .

  2. 在以往的乐施毅行者活动中,你有否一些难忘的故事与别人分享?

    In the past Oxfam Trailwalker event , do you have any interesting , memorable experience to share with others ?

  3. 到这一期《乐施电子报》截稿时,我们己知2009年会有另外四个地方首次举办乐施毅行者活动:加拿大、英国、爱尔兰和荷兰。

    As we go to print with this edition of O.N.E , there is news that there will be four more events in2009 : in Canada , England , Ireland , and The Netherlands .