首页 / 词典 / good

  • this
  • go;leave
  • 助词,表示领有、连属关系:赤子~心。

  • 助词,表示修饰关系:缓兵~计。不速~客。莫逆~交。

  • 用在主谓结构之间,使成为句子成分:“大道~行也,天下为公”。

  • 代词,代替人或事物:置~度外。等闲视~。

  • 代词,这,那:“~二虫,又何知”。

  • 虚用,无所指:久而久~。

  • 往,到:“吾欲~南海”。


(代替人或事物, 限于做宾语):

  • 怒目而视之

    stare at it or him;

  • 取而代之

    replace someone; take it over;

  • 将如之何?

    What is to be done?

  • 无不为之高兴。

    Everybody feels excited about it.


(虚用, 无所指):

  • 久而久之

    with the lapse of time; as time passes;

  • 总而言之

    in short; in a word; in brief; make a long story short;

  • 手之舞之, 足之蹈之

    dance with joy


(这; 那) this:

  • 之人也

    this type of man


(用在定语和中心词之间, 表示领属关系或一般的修饰关系):

  • 赤子之心

    the pure heart of a newborn babe;

  • 汝之过也

    your fault;

  • 普天之下

    all under heaven; all over the world;

  • 光荣之家

    the honoured family;

  • 钟鼓之声

    the sound of drums and bells;

  • 以我之长, 攻敌之短

    utilize our strong points to attack the enemy at his weak points


(用在主谓结构之间, 取消它的独立性, 使变成偏正结构):

  • 世界之大, 无奇不有。

    The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.

  • 战斗之烈, 实难预料。

    It is unthinkable that the fight is terribly fierce.

  • 皮之不存, 毛将焉附?

    With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself?


(往) go; leave:

  • 由(北)京之沪

    leave Beijing for Shanghai;

  • 不知所之。

    Don't know where he went.

  • 君将何之?

    Where are you bound for?


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 之马宇

    Zhi Mayu

  1. 他将之归咎于对贸易的爱限制了人们的兴趣,让他们不愿意自愿提供信息,担心那会向对手摊了牌。

    He blamed this on a love of trade , which limited men 's interests and made them reluctant to volunteer information for fear of tipping their hand to a competitor .

  2. 由此言之,《中国哲学史新编》具有消化马克思主义、总结新理学和中国哲学史研究的双重意义。

    From this point , it can be said that " The Newly Compiled History of Chinese Philosophy " Has dual significance of dissolving Marxism and summarizing the :" Neo-rational Confucianism " and the research in the history of Chinese philosophy .

  3. 银行界刮起了改革之风。

    A wind of change was blowing through the banking world .

  4. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。

    She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days .

  5. 他得忍受六个月失去自由之苦。

    He had to endure six months ' loss of liberty .

  6. 她听腻了他们的印度之行。

    She was tired of hearing about their trip to India .

  7. 他的印度之行对他的触动很大。

    His trip to India made a strong impression on him .

  8. 同情之意潮水般地从全国各地涌来。

    Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country .

  9. 我把这部电影称为“模仿希区柯克导演手法的平庸之作”。

    I would describe this movie as ' Hitchcock lite ' .

  10. 她的第一部小说堪称经典之作。

    Her first novel has all the makings of a classic .

  11. 他是年轻一代的希望之灯。

    He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation .

  12. 我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。

    I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers .

  13. 他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。

    He couldn 't find the words to thank her enough .

  14. 我费了九牛二虎之力才找到你。

    I 've had a devil of a job finding you .

  15. 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。

    These street gangs have become the terror of the neighbourhood .

  16. 由于命运之神的奇特安排,他们全都死里逃生,毫发未损。

    By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury .

  17. 他看她的时候,眼神里明显流露着敬佩之情。

    His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her .

  18. 听讲的有200人之多。

    There were as many as 200 people at the lecture .

  19. 我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

    We had no end of trouble getting them to agree .

  20. 我和他共事达六年之久。

    I worked with him over a span of six years .

  21. 合并之事远未成定局。

    The merger is by no means a done deal yet .

  22. 去威尼斯的浪漫之旅重新燃起了他们的激情。

    Their passion was reignited by a romantic trip to Venice .

  23. 他称赞首相时有溢美之词。

    He was fulsome in his praise of the Prime Minister .

  24. 什么也阻挡不了他为不平之事鸣冤叫屈。

    Nothing would prevent him / his speaking out against injustice .

  25. 小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。

    The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags .

  26. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

    Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle .

  27. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  28. 这是一桩小事,不值得为之争辩。

    It 's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about .

  29. 所供应的菜肴之丰盛让我心动。

    I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer .

  30. 他饶有风趣地讲述了他们的西班牙之行。

    He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain .