
zhǔ liáng
  • staple food grain
主粮 [zhǔ liáng]
  • [staple food grain] 主要产粮品种与主食用粮

  • 南方大部分地区以大米为主粮

主粮[zhǔ liáng]
  1. Pope说,这可能带来重大的影响,诸如所有主粮作物减产、森林火灾、干旱、冰川融化和洪水风险。

    This would have major implications such as reduced yields for all major cereal crops , as well as forest fires , drought , glacier melting and flood risks , said Pope .

  2. 例如,NEPAD(非洲联盟的非洲发展新伙伴关系)、食品企业Mars和世界野生生物基金会正在与专家合作对主粮作物的基因组测序。

    For example NEPAD ( African Union 's New Partnership for Africa 's Development ), the food company Mars , and WWF are working with experts to sequence the genomes of staple crops .

  3. 例如,一个致力于培育更有营养的主粮作物的全球项目HarvestPlus正在几乎完全避免转基因技术,而使用传统的育种方法。

    For example , HarvestPlus , a global programme aimed at creating more nutritious staple crops , is avoiding GM technology almost entirely and using conventional breeding instead .

  4. 这种燃料要用来烘干当地的主粮玉米。

    The combined fuel is used to dry corn before storing it .

  5. 安徽省主粮中杂色曲霉素污染状况调查

    The Study on the Contamination of Sterigmatocystin in Staple Grains in Anhui Province

  6. 玉米是东南亚的一种主粮作物,既作为食物,又作为动物家畜养料。

    Maize is a staple crop in South-EastAsia , both as a food and animal feed .

  7. 木薯是许多国家的主粮,但是它几乎没有蛋白质和微量营养物质。

    Cassava is a staple food in many developing countries but has little protein and micronutrients .

  8. 几种真菌毒素在山东省主粮中污染状况调查粮食真菌毒素污染的预防与脱毒


  9. 生香活性干酵母的适宜用量为0.2%(对主粮)。

    And the optimum use level of dry yeast was 0.2 % ( for main grains ) .

  10. 他呼吁更关注主粮作物的育种工作,这包括培训作物育种专家。

    He calls for focused plant-breeding efforts on staple food crops that include training for plant breeders .

  11. 可供应充足的维他命A水果和蔬菜及配合合成粮作主粮。

    Supply your cockatiel with plenty of vitamin-A rich fruit and vegetables , and incorporate pellets into their diet .

  12. 稻谷要从这里运去脱粒或去壳,成为全家人必需的主粮。

    Whence it would be taken to be threshed or hulled , as the necessities of the family required .

  13. 此外,农业综合企业把注意力集中在了主粮作物中,在这里可以获得最大的利润。

    Furthermore , agribusiness has focused its efforts on the main food crops , where the largest profits are to be made .

  14. 稻米是世界众多国家的主粮,而中国又是世界上最大的稻米生产和消费国。

    While rice is the prime food among many countries in the world , China is the largest consumer and producer of rice .

  15. 一个是主粮价格的大幅下降意味着他们已经成为穷人的主要食物。

    A substantial reduction in the price of staple foods has meant they have become more predominant in the diet of poor people .

  16. 他们仍然买不起含有足够维生素和矿物质的非主粮,诸如蔬菜、水果、豆类、动物和鱼类食品。

    They still cannot afford to buy sufficient quantities of vitamin-and mineral-rich non-staple foods such as vegetables , fruits , pulses , and animal and fish products .

  17. 报告预测,季节变化和长期的干旱会大幅度减少玉米作物的产量。玉米是2.5亿东非人的主粮。

    The report predicts that changing seasons and prolonged droughts could dramatically decrease the yield of maize crops , the staple food of a quarter billion East Africans .

  18. 该研究发现,由于在生长季节的温度升高,玉米、水稻和其他主粮的产量到本世纪末可能会下降至多40%。

    Harvests of maize , rice and other staple crops could drop by up to40 per cent by the end of the century because of higher temperatures during the growing season , the study found .

  19. 自2000年农业生产开始下降以来每年国际社会都会对这个国家进行人道主义援助。而玉米这种南部非洲国家的主粮作物尤其短缺。

    Humanitarian aid from the international community has been forthcoming every year since 2000 when farm production started to fall . Maize , the Southern African nation 's staple crop , has been in especially short supply .

  20. 上个月,中国国务院表示,非粮作物,诸如高粱、甘薯和木薯,而不是玉米,将被用来生产乙醇。玉米是一种主粮作物。

    Last month , China 's State Council said that non-staple crops in China , such as sorghum , batata and cassava , will be used to make ethanol , instead of corn , which is a staple crop .

  21. 中国已经允许种植转基因棉花、辣椒、土豆和木管,但是水稻尚不在这份名单上,因为作为中国的一种关键主粮,水稻被认为是一种更敏感的作物。

    China has allowed GM crops such as cotton , peppers , tomatoes and papayas to be grown but rice is not on this list and , as a key staple in the nation 's diet , is regarded as a more sensitive crop .