
  • 网络Major Disciplines;Core Disciplines
  1. 对这些关系的研究,构成了科学学的主干学科体系。

    Research on these relations forms he framework of this discipline .

  2. 病理学是医学专业的主干学科。

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Pathology is a main subject of medicine .

  3. 法医物证学是法医学专业的一门主干学科。

    Forensic biology is a main subject of forensic medicine .

  4. 防原医学是军队一门重要的军事预防医学主干学科,该文就如何改进防原医学实验教学内容,提高学员动手能力;

    Nuclear protection medicine is a major and important subject of military prevention medicine .

  5. 主干学科:材料科学,材料学。

    Main Subject : material science , physics .

  6. 运动项目理论主干学科将登陆互联网,其他公共理论以分支学科形式加盟其主干学科网。

    Sport item theory of 21st century higher physical education in China will be the main subject and land the net .

  7. 小学教育专业理科课程建设长期滞后于中文、数学等主干学科,这在一定程度上与小学应试教育有关。

    In the Construction of professional curriculums of primary education , the science course curriculum has lagged behind the curriculums of Chinese and mathematics .

  8. 刑事执行法是与刑法、刑事诉讼法并列的刑事法学体系的三大主干学科之一,但是在实践中最容易遭到忽视。

    Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law . However , it is most easily ignored in practice .

  9. 起草组和业界学者共同完成的征求意见稿中,对专业的发展方向、主干学科、培养目标等方面做了比较明确的描述,设计了知识体系及其所包含的知识领域、知识单元等。

    In this edition , the development trend , main subjects and education objectives for this major have been fully described , and the knowledge system and its knowledge field have been designed .

  10. “管弦(打击)乐器演奏”是我国艺术院校结合西方器乐艺术教育体系而建立的一个应用性很强的专业,是隶属音乐学范畴的音乐表演类主干学科之一。

    " Orchestral ( percussion ) instrument performing " is a very useful speciality setting up by China ' art institutes with western instrument education system and it belongs to a major subject of music performance .

  11. 在这一时代背景的深刻影响下,体育教育专业课程改革势必加快进程,所以作为传统主干基础学科课程的体操普修课应首当其冲。

    Under the deep influence of the background of this era , Curriculum reform of PE major has to accelerate , so the basic subject in traditional should stand in the breach .

  12. 生物化学是东南大学医学院的主干和重点学科之一,设有硕士点。

    Biochemistry and molecular biology has been a key subject in the Southeastern University Medical College and offers master degree program .