
  • 网络overworld;Host World
  1. 基因工程活动家们开始主世界基因库应由国际公约来维护,使其全球共享并自由开放。

    Genetic activists are now beginning to argue that the world 's gene pool should be maintained by international agreement as shared and open .

  2. 但丁在他的《论帝制》中,视亚里士多德,为力主世界帝国的概念,且是由一位基督王子所主宰。

    Dante , in his book , De Monarchia on monarchy , saw Aristotle as giving credence to the idea of a universal monarchy under the leadership of a Christian prince .

  3. 参照系是客现世界(包括人的生命活动)在意元体的反映,是客观世界内化到主现世界的结果。

    The frame of reference is reflection formed by objective world ( include person life ), is result which the subjective world reflect the objective world .

  4. 象即是主客观世界相互投射的产物,说明主观活动具有客观存在的源头。

    Xiang is the projection of the objective world on the subjective world , which explains that there is objective source in the activities of the subject .

  5. 记住,你是梦主,这世界是你建造的。

    Remember , you are the dreamer . You build this world .

  6. 信徒在主里及世界里的身份。

    II . Believers'position in Christ and in the world .

  7. 主线程监守世界并报告入侵进度。

    The main thread watches the world and reports on the invasion 's progress .

  8. 主口号为世界在你眼前,我们在你身边。

    The slogan for the world in front of you , our beside you .

  9. 用户能步入这些博主们的世界。

    You get to step into their world .

  10. 在主、客观世界普遍存在的不确定性中,随机性和模糊性是最重要的两种形式。

    Randomness and fuzziness are two types of uncertainties in our objective and subjective world .

  11. 非洲一条主河流,世界最长的河流之一;流经扎伊尔,汇入南大西洋。

    A major African river ( one of the world 's longest ); flows through Zaire into the South Atlantic .

  12. 二十一世纪全球化成为经济发展的主旋律,世界各地加快了产业调整的步伐。

    In the 21st century , Globalization becomes the main theme of economic development , industrial restructuring step to be accelerated in all the world .

  13. 节水农业要真正走上可持续发展之路,必须树立正确的自然观、主体现、世界观和价值观。

    The outlooks of the nature , the subject , the world and the value have to be set up correctly for water saving agriculture to take a road of sustainable development really .

  14. 博客的一个极端是私人形式,它由个人来管理。博主想向世界传达自己的动向,兴趣以及观点等。

    So at one extreme there 's the personal diary , kept by an individual who wants to tell the whole world about his or her activities , or interests and opinions and so on .

  15. 认为《格萨尔》史诗的主旋律和世界主流动画片的主旋律有着共同之处,通过比较它们的主旋律论证了制作《格萨尔》动画片的可行性。

    The theme of " Gesar " has a common with the theme of world mainstream animation , of the theme of their argument by comparing the production of " epic " the feasibility of animation .

  16. 我们的主,将这世界的规矩完全颠倒了。

    Our Master reverses the secular pattern of culture ;

  17. 是主耶稣创造了世界和一切所有的。

    It was the Lord Jesus Who created the world and all things .

  18. 但是,主耶稣来到这个世界的时候,他为我们做了一件奇妙的事。

    But when the Lord Jesus came to the earth , He did another wonderful thing for us !

  19. 在盐湖城的主庙,或世界各地的很多寺庙都会庆祝这样快乐的场合。

    Happy occasions can be celebrated at the main temple in Salt Lake City , or one of many others around the world .

  20. 主的灵在世界上许多地方发命令,而人们却常同时顺服属灵与世界的命令。

    There are many places in the Word where the Spirit of the Lord spoke a command and others obeyed , both in the spirit world and in the natural .

  21. 所有的门徒,包括彼得在那个时候还是不明白,主耶稣到这个世界上的原因,就是要为我们承担对罪的惩罚。??

    Neither Peter nor the other disciples understood it at the time , but Jesus had come to earth for that very reason : to take the punishment for sin for the world .

  22. 所有的门徒,包括彼得在那个时候还是不明白,主耶稣到这个世界上的原因,就是要为我们承担对罪的惩罚。

    Neither Peter nor the other disciples understood it at the time , but Jesus had come to earth for that very reason : to take the punishment for sin for the world .

  23. 在那场战争中,中国人民以巨大民族牺牲支撑起了世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场,为世界反法西斯战争胜利作出了重大贡献。

    During the war , with huge national sacrifice , the Chinese people held ground in the main theater in the East of the World Anti-Fascist War , thus making major contribution to its victory .

  24. 为什么他没有差遣那大能的天使来帮助他呢?因为主耶稣知道这个世界需要一位救主。他必须以他的死来偿还我们的罪债,把我们从罪里拯救出来。

    Why didn 't He call His mighty angels to come and help Him ? Because Jesus knew that the world needed a Savior from sin , and He must die to pay for our sin before He could be our Savior from sin .