
  • 网络For the Thai Party;Pheu Thai Party;Puea Thai Party
  1. 有44年历史的为泰党在有5百个席位的议会选举中赢得265个席,为泰党还联合其他小党而成为掌握了300个席位的执行多数党。

    The44-year-old 's Pheu Thai Party won265 seats in the house and joined minor parties to hold a ruling majority of300 seats in the500 member House of Representatives .

  2. 她的为泰党在对传统精英构成严重教训的一场选举中轻松赢得多数议席,那些传统精英支持执政的民主党籍的总理阿披实。

    Her Pheu Thai party won a comfortable majority in a rebuke to Thailand 's traditional elite , who backed the ruling Democrat party of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva .

  3. 他指责为泰党用“选举糖果”包装大赦,包括承诺为每个学童购买ipad,以及为贫困农民和毕业生加薪。

    He accused puea Thai of wrapping the amnesty in election goodies , including a pledge to buy an iPad for every schoolchild and to increase wages for poor farmers and graduates alike .

  4. 英拉并不打算让为泰党单独执政,而是选择与其他政党组建联合政府。

    Rather than govern alone , Ms Yingluck chose to bring others into a coalition .

  5. 为泰党正在考虑对政治活动人士和被禁止的政界人士实行特赦。

    The Pheu Thai party is contemplating granting amnesty for political activists and banned politicians .

  6. 在为泰党总部,英拉在与记者的谈话中并没有公开内阁成员的名字。

    Speaking to reporters at the Pheu Thai Party headquarters , Yingluck did not disclose the names of her cabinet .

  7. 为泰党在选举中获得压倒性胜利之后,柬埔寨首相发表了一份祝贺信。

    After the Puea Thai Party 's landslide election victory , the Cambodian Prime Minister issued a letter of congratulations .

  8. 除了柬埔寨首相,柬埔寨外事大臣也对为泰党的胜利表示欢迎。

    Apart from the Cambodian Prime Minister , the Cambodian Minister of Foreign Affairs has also welcomed Puea Thai 's victory .

  9. 如果为泰党获胜,泰国将不得不努力达成一项让红衫军和黄衫军都能接受的协议。

    If puea Thai does win , Thailand will have to dig deep to strike a deal acceptable to both reds and yellows .

  10. 为泰党在竞选期间承诺要出台特赦,而据泰国媒体周二报道,具体的方案现在正在制定当中。

    Puea Thai promised an amnesty during the campaign , and the Thai press reported on Tuesday that these plans were now being developed .

  11. 英拉的哥哥,为泰党的领袖他信,2006年由于军政事变被驱逐出国。

    Then there is her elder brother and PT 's de facto leader , Thaksin Shinawatra , who was ousted by a military coup in2006 .

  12. 她在为泰党的一个会议上表示:我已经准备好依据规则作战,我请求得到这个机会证明自己。

    I am ready to fight according to the rules and I ask for the opportunity to prove myself , she told a party meeting .

  13. 兴奋的人群聚集在为泰党总部,呼喊着“英拉总理、英拉总理”,对陆续公布的点票结果发出阵阵欢呼。

    An ecstatic crowd gathered at Puea Thai headquarters , chanting " Prime Minister Yingluck , Prime Minister Yingluck ", cheering as the results came through .

  14. 她作为反对党为泰党的领袖所取得的胜利使人们更有希望看到泰国女性在男性占主导地位的泰国政坛将发挥更大的作用。

    Her victory as leader of the opposition Pheu Thai party has raised hopes that women can play a larger role in the country 's male-dominated politics .

  15. 在为泰党提名的候选人中,女性占16%;而执政的民主党中获得提名的候选人只有11%的女性,而且其中大多数女性候选人在候选人名单中处于垫底的地位。

    Women made up 16 percent of Pheu Thai 's nominated candidates while the ruling Democrats included 11 percent , with most at the bottom of the list .

  16. 由于他对在选举中大获全胜的为泰党有着巨大影响,因此许多人就认为,缓解两国紧张局势的时机已经来临。

    With his enormous influence over the Puea Thai Party that has just won a landslide election , many believe an opportunity has arisen to help ease tensions between the two countries .

  17. 尽管他信一直流亡海外以避免因腐败被判刑,但为泰党的参选口号却是“他信想什么,为泰党做什么”。

    While Mr Thaksin lives in exile to avoid a prison sentence for corruption , the puea Thai party is campaigning with the slogan " Thaksin thinks , puea Thai does " .