
wéi rén zhī dào
  • the rules of conduct;policy
为人之道[wéi rén zhī dào]
  1. 我的处事方法、为人之道与众不同。

    I work and live in a different way .

  2. 中国有没有改变我的为人之道呢?

    Has China changed me as a person ?

  3. 人文素质教育即教人之所以为人之道。

    Humane quality education means method of " educating people why human are human " .

  4. 或许那是愚蠢的,但这是我的为人之道:要么拥有一切,要么一无所有。

    Perhaps that 's stupid , but that 's the way I am : all or nothing .

  5. 专业知识教育与为人之道教育结合教学是全面实施素质教育的必然要求。

    Combining teaching on the education for specialized knowledge and behaving as a man is a necessary demand for quality education .

  6. 人文素质是指在外界的交往中将习得的人之所以为人之道通过内化所形成的内在的精神品质与价值观念。

    Humane quality is an internal spiritual character and concept of value which is internalized by a principle " why human are human " in external world .

  7. 南宋及元代净明道的修行方法的特点在于融合入世的“为人之道”与出世的“成仙之道”。

    This paper reviews the methods of cultivation of Jing-ming sect in Song and Yuan dynasties , considers the character of them as merging the secular way with the sacred way .

  8. 2012年出版的安德鲁·索罗门(AndrewSolomon)代表作《那些与众不同的孩子》(FarFromtheTree)讲的是为人父母之道,以及孩子之间的差别,在书中,索罗门将身份分成了垂直与水平两种。

    In " Far From the Tree , " " Andrew Solomon 's landmark 2012 book about parenting and how children differentiate themselves , he makes a distinction between vertical and horizontal identity .

  9. 探讨水环境变化及其原因,并通过对水资源承载力的研究来探讨水资源与经济社会发展之间的辩证关系,为寻求人水和谐之道提供安全保障。

    Exploring the dialectical relationship between social and economic development by Water Resource Carrying Capacity , to seek for the harmonious of people and water .

  10. “与时俛仰”“以度为胜”是山涛一生的处世哲学和为人之道。

    Adapting to the times and winning through tolerance is Shan Tao 's philosophy and golden rules in all his life .

  11. 结果显示大学生对宽恕的理解与我国文化有关,主要有两种角度:一是把宽恕视为一种人格品质(品德),二是把宽恕作为为人处世之道。

    The results showed that understanding of forgiveness of college students in our cultural is related to two main angles : First , to view forgiveness as a quality of personality ( character ), and second , to view forgiveness as a way of interaction with others .

  12. 在新时期,公道正派是组织部门实践“三个代表”重要思想,实现立党为公、执政为民的一个重要方面,是组工干部的立身之本、为人之道、处事之基。

    In the new times , it composes an important part for departments of organization to realize the " Three Represents ", and to realize Party for the Public , Politics for the People . It is a basic rule for cadres of organization .