
  1. 采用专家PID实现串调系统优化控制

    Optimized control of expert PID series-wound timing system

  2. 应在全煤行业全面实施矿井通风机GTO斩波式串调技术改造

    Comments on the Reform of Concatenation Control Technology of GTO Chopper Mine Shaft Ventilator in The Whole Coal Mine Industry

  3. 基于内馈斩波的串调系统的设计

    Design to Tandem Speed Regulation System Based on Inner-Feeding Chopped Wave

  4. 单位功率因数的内馈斩波串调系统研究

    Research on Unity Power Factor Inner-feed Chopper Cascaded Speed-adjusting System

  5. 串调动力制动系统的计算机仿真及参数寻优

    The computer simulation and parameters optimization for the Scherbius dynamic braking system

  6. 同时提出斩波串调系统的主电路参数选择方法和逆变器容量的选择方法。

    Then it presents selection of main circuit parameters and inverter capacity .

  7. 提升机双馈串调系统的启动力矩

    Starting Torque of Hoister Double-fed Cascade Adjusting Speed System

  8. 模糊控制串调动力制动双闭环系统

    A Double-loop Controller of Cascade Speed Regulation Power Braking System Based on Fuzzy Control Theory

  9. 矿井风机应用串调装置问题分析

    The problems of the practical use of the series-wound regulating device in the shaft fan

  10. 矿井提升机交流电机斩波串调系统的研究

    The Research of AC Motor Chop - wave Cascade Speed - regulation System of Mine - well Hoist

  11. 本文研究了矿井提升机交流电动机斩波串调系统的主电路拓扑结构,分析其工作原理,推导出斩波串调系统的机械特性。

    This paper investigates topology structure of main circuit , analyzes principle and induces mechanical characteristic of chop-wave cascade speed-regulation system .

  12. 文中给出了弱磁串调、逆变器控制原理,计算和实验数据及曲线,并分析了逆变效率及解决方案。

    In this paper , the diminishable magnetization velocity modulation , invertiable control , the test data and curve , and the inverting efficiency as well as control scheme and presented .

  13. 着重介绍了系统的原理和主要特点,对控制线路进行分析并与常规的串调装置进行比较。

    This paper gives emphasis to introduce the main feature and fundamental principles of this system . At also provides analyses for the control circuits and comparison with conventional cascade adjustable speed systems .

  14. 为声光调Q绿光激光器的研究奠定了基础。5.分别采用50W和150W半导体侧泵模块、进行了单棒和双棒串接声光调Q内腔倍频绿光激光器的研究。

    This is the basic of the high power A-O Q-switched green laser . ( 5 ) Use 50W , 150W side-pumped laser modules , we investigated single-rod and double-rod A-O Q-switched intracavity-doubled lasers .

  15. 双棒串接声光调QNd:YAG激光谐振腔的分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Two-rod Nd : YAG-Q-switch-laser Resonator

  16. 双棒串接、声光调QNd:YAG激光器

    Two Rods Series Connection A.Q-Switch Nd : YAG Laser

  17. 串级变极调压异步电动机的研究

    Study of Cascade Variable-Pole Adjustable-Voltage Asynchronous Motor

  18. 并在实际中调试了串级调速系统,整个串调系统能够顺利运行。

    Developed internal feedback chopper cascade speed control system has been used in practical industrial field , the whole series-wound timing system can operate successfully .

  19. 主要研究了目标规划问题中目标值与最优解的关系,证明了如何调整目标值才能得到更好的结果,从而为串式调优法中的串调环节提供了理论依据。

    The relations between the goal values and optimum solutions in goal programming have been investigated . At the same time , getting better solution was proved by adjusting the objective values .

  20. 本文从工程应用的角度出发,在分析清楚和研究透彻高压电机斩波串级调速控制系统的基础上,实现基于PLC的串调控制系统的逻辑控制、定时控制、计数控制、顺序控制。

    From the view point of engineering application , this thesis implements the PLC cascade speed regulation control system of logic control , time control , counting control and sequence control based on the crisp analysis and thorough research of high-voltage motor cascade speed regulation control system .

  21. 晶闸管串级调速系统是一种廉价、简易的调速系统,但是传统串调系统存在着诸如功率因数低、谐波污染严重等弊端。

    Speed regulation system using cascade control method with thyristor is a low-cost system , but the classic system has some shortages , such as low power factor , serious harmonic pollution and etc.