
  • 网络Middle line;Center line;median line;medium line
  1. 公平原则是国际法的一般原则,等距离中间线原则是公平原则的一种特例。

    The fair principle is the general principle of the international law , while the equidistant medium line principle is the special case of the fair principle .

  2. 在此前提下当然必须考虑自然延伸的基本事实,并且如果在某些情况下,采用中间线方法能够达到公平合理的结果,当然有关国家可以通过协议加以使用。

    Certainly must consider the basic fact that is extended naturally on the premise of this , and if in some cases , adopting the medium line method can reach the fair and reasonable result , certainly the countries concerned can use through the agreement .

  3. 南北线穿过时针和十二点的中间线。

    The north-south line ran midway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock .

  4. 粉末涂层格栅沿额外强度和刚度格栅中间线形成的高峰期。

    A powder-coated grille has a formed peak along the centre line of the grille for additional strength and rigidity .

  5. 中国企业已经开始开发位于中间线附近的“春晓”气田,导致日本方面抱怨中国正在抽取日本的天然气资源。

    Chinese companies have begun developing the Chunxiao gas field , which straddles the median line , prompting complaints from Tokyo that they are siphoning off Japanese gas .

  6. 中国主张运用自然延伸原则进行划界,而日本主张运用等距离中间线原则划分中日东海大陆架与专属经济区。

    China maintain , " extend naturally " principle , but Japan maintain " equidistant medium line " principle divide Sino-Japanese the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of East Sea naturally .

  7. 中间线:在一行英文字里,沿着小写字母上端的一条假想线条。它是字体设计所需的结构线之一。

    Mean line : Imaginary line which runs along the top of the lower-case letters in a line of text . It is one of the construction lines needed for letter design .

  8. 首先介绍了东海大陆架的地理和资源概况,其次阐述了中国和日本在东海大陆架问题上分别坚持自然延伸原则和等距离中间线原则,各执己见的状况,最后简单分析了两国的争议焦点。

    Author introduces geography and resource about the continental shelf at first , secondly illustrates that China insists on natural-extending principle and Japan insists on equitable principle , analyses the dispute focuses of two countries finally .

  9. 具体的罚金数额的确定应由法官在总和罚金以下最高罚金额以上采取中间线方法进行自由裁量。

    The determination of specific amount of the fine should below the sum fine and higher than the maximum penalty . It depends on the free measurement of the judge , using the method of medium line .

  10. 在字符分割模块,首先调整车牌字符的垂直倾斜,然后利用垂直投影法分割字符,并对粘连字符做中间线切分处理。

    In the character segmentation module , after vertical tilt adjustment , use the vertical projection to split characters , and at the same time , we use the middle line to segment adhesion characters . 4 .

  11. 而中方不承认这条中间线,并且已经开始在跨线地区开发油气资源。结果,由于主要跨区交通走廊堵塞,巴士车程仍长时间受到阻延。

    China does not recognise the boundary , and is already extracting gas from a field which straddles it . As a result , buses still suffer significant delays due to traffic congestion in major inter-district traffic corridors .

  12. 根据明确国际法上跨界矿藏的概念可以得出结论:日方单方面主张的所谓中间线西侧的油气田应属中国所有,不能列为共同开发的范围。

    According to the definition of trans-boundary minerals in international law , oil and gas fields to the west of the Medium Line should be owned by China , and should not be covered in the joint development area .

  13. 而共识将共同开发区域划在了中间线附近,这不仅不符合国际惯例,更是会给今后的东海谈判带来不利影响。

    The " consensus " will be the joint development area in the " middle line ", which is not only inconsistent with international practice , it is the future of the East China Sea would adversely affect the negotiations .

  14. 中国和日本就东海专属经济区的范围存在争议,日本方面主张其经济区延伸至两国中间线,而中国方面坚称,中国的经济区延伸至更靠近日本的地方。

    China and Japan disagree on the extent of their East China Sea exclusive economic zones , with Tokyo arguing its zone extends to a median line between the two countries and Beijing insisting its zone stretches much closer to Japan .

  15. 因此中日东海大陆架的共同开发区就要界定在中日中间线到冲绳槽中轴线的争议海域范围内。

    Therefore the Sino-Japanese East China Sea continental shelf as defined in the common development zones in China and Japan will be the " middle line " to the axis of the Okinawa tank within the scope of the disputed sea area .

  16. 待中间线划出之后,法院会结合相关情况测试划界的结果是否公平,若是公平的,那么该中间线就予以保留;若该结果并非公平,则法院进行调整直到法院认为公平结果为止。

    Once the midline is in place , the court will combine the relevant circumstances to test whether the delimitation result is equitable , if so , then the midline will be retained ; if not , the court will adjust that line until the court is satisfied .

  17. 调整的方法可能是中间线朝某一国海岸横向靠近,降低地质构造对划界的效力,或者从一开始就停止中间线的调整。

    In terms of the specific adjustment methods , it may be that the middle horizontal line is adopted to close the coast towards a certain State in a view to reduce the effect triggered by the geological structure to delimitation , or stop the midline adjustment from scratch .

  18. 但权威型的父母设定了清晰的界限,在界限之内允许自由,他们讲道理,而不是发号施令(以达到预期数字);对我来说,这既是经理们的好榜样,也是X理论和Y理论之间一条切合实际的中间路线。

    But the authoritative parent , who sets clear parameters yet allows freedom within them , who reasons rather than rules ( and makes the numbers ) , strikes me both as an excellent model for managers and a realistic middle route between Theories X and Y.

  19. 中间试验线轧制试验表明,经过不同温度热轧后的430铁素体不锈钢都存在晶间腐蚀敏感性,其中空冷的DL-EPR试验Ra值比水冷的高,敏感性也更严重。

    Intermediate test line rolling experiment showed that the susceptibility of intergranular corrosion existed at different temperatures after hot rolling , which the air cooling is more severe of sensitivity with the DL-EPR test Ra value was higher than the water-cooled .

  20. 【目的】研究尸解肺标本中间隔线的HRCT表现、解剖及病理基础和间隔线对CWP的诊断价值。评价肺内不同类型的间隔线在弥漫性肺病中的诊断和鉴别诊断价值。

    Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the septal line appearances on HRCT in 28 cadaveric lungs , the underlying anatomic and pathologic features , and then to evaluate the role of septal lines in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diffuse lung diseases ( DLD ) .

  21. 相关矩阵的迁移同样从两端开始,同时向中间节线延伸。

    Relevant matrices are migrated simultaneously from both ends to the middle circle .

  22. 在本文中,作者推导出一种平面问题的具有中间节线的高阶有限条法。

    In present paper , the author develops a high order finite strip me-thod for plane problems .

  23. 提出的截面线构造方法、平面四边形域中间参数线自动生成、跨界导矢插值公式均可用作通用方法。

    Some universal algorithms are given , such as the constructing section lines , creating parametric lines on planar quadrangle and the interpolatory formula of transverse differential vectors on boundary .

  24. 近期的有空间估值、储层非均质性模拟、构造人工中间测线、分形谱及其参数等方面的结合应用。

    Recently , estimation of spatial distributed data , simulation of the heterogeneity of reservoir , construction of an artificial measuring line , and fractal spectrum and its parameters have been combined in geological research .

  25. 研究了Cu-Ag-Cr合金的线拉工艺及其形变时的组织和硬度变化规律。结果表明,该合金可通过多次中间热处理线拉至终了尺寸。

    The technological process of wire drawing of Cu Ag Cr alloy and the changes of structure and hardness during deformation were studied .

  26. 不停车会车条件下计算中间站会车线长度的新方法

    A New Computation Method of Length of Loop Line at Intermediate Station in Cast of Flying Crossing

  27. 第六步:看看命运线,也就是在手掌中间垂直的线。

    Step 6 : Check out the fate line , the vertical line in the center of the palm .

  28. 高阶有限条采用一根中间辅助结线的条元,单元刚度矩阵、荷载向量分别凝聚成凝聚矩阵和凝聚向量。

    The high finite strip adopts to have a middle auxiliary line , then forms cohesive array and vecter by condensing .

  29. 将区域分布归类为良性分布形式,段样、成簇分布归类为中间型,线样分布归类为恶性。

    Regional distribution is classified as benign , cluster and segmental distribution is classified as intermediate type , and linear distribution is classified as malignant .

  30. 按照流线型列车头部外形的设计要求,首先生成基本控制型线,根据需要自动生成中间控制型线;

    Firstly the basic controlling outline curves of shape were built and then the assistant controlling outline curves were created according to the shape design need of streamlined train head .