
  • 网络The Mid-Autumn Night
  1. 中秋之夜赏月的习俗何时最为盛行?

    When was enjoying the moon the most prevailing on this evening ?

  2. 每当中秋之夜,人们相聚一堂,共食月饼、品茶啜茗之时,这两个故事还是会被一再讲起。

    Both stories are often retold as people gather under the autumn moon , feasting on moon cakes and sipping fine tea .

  3. 在中秋之夜与好友一起登高望远,对酒当歌,此中意境又有几人会明白。

    In the Mid-Autumn Festival night with friends and take a long-term perspective , when the song of wine , and herein moods few will understand .

  4. 中秋之夜,湖南新晃县的侗乡人流行一种“偷月亮菜”的有趣习俗。

    At the night of the Mid-Autumn Day in Xinhuang County , Hunan , an interesting custom of " stealing moon vegetables " is popular in Dong villages .

  5. 中秋之夜,大家准备丰盛的瓜果和月饼,把最圆的水果当作供品祭拜月亮,其它的留给全家人,边赏月,边聊天,边品尝。

    On the night of the Mid-Autumn Day , people have fruits and moon cakes , the most round food is offered to the moon , while the rest is for the family to enjoy as they appreciate the moon 's beauty .