
  1. 新方将放宽对中资审查门槛,给予中方投资者与全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(CPTPP)成员同等的审查门槛待遇。

    New Zealand will lower its threshold for reviewing Chinese investment , allowing it to receive the same review treatment as members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership ( CPTPP ) .

  2. 根据协议条款,中方投资者同意在三年内向AC米兰投资3.5亿欧元,其中1亿欧元将迅速到位。

    Under the terms of the agreement , the Chinese investors have agreed to pump Euro350m into the club over a three-year period , with a Euro100m to be injected at the time of closing .

  3. 该公司已拥有中方投资者,现在正试图为另一家在华公司搞定一轮融资,让外部投资者直接投资Uber的这块在华业务。

    It already has Chinese investors and is now trying to close a funding round for a separate Chinese unit , bringing outside investors directly into the business .

  4. 申请设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构的中方投资者应是具有从事职业介绍

    Chinese-Foreign joint ventures and cooperatives should also be legal entities

  5. 据了解这些中方投资者的人士表示,他们没有从福布斯家族借钱。

    People close to the Chinese investors said they had not borrowed money from the Forbes family .

  6. 属于中方投资者所有的外汇,应当全部卖给外汇指定银行。

    All the foreign exchange belonging to the Chinese counterpart investors shall be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks .

  7. 为了维护国家利益和中方投资者的合法权益,必须对外方的技术出资加以规范。

    In order to defend national interests and the legal rights of Chinese investors , we have to standardize the technical investment from abroad .

  8. 近年来,在华外商投资企业避税问题日益严重,避税手段呈多样化特征。外资企业避税对我国财政利益、中方投资者合法权益和公平竞争的税收环境,都造成了危害。

    Recent years , the tax avoidance problem of foreign trade investment enterprises in China is getting more serious and this is harm for the financial benefit of our country .

  9. 既然总经理是由来自外方投资者的人担任,则副总经理应由中方投资者委派。

    The Chinese party believed that , according to the Law of PRC of Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures (" JV Law "), the GM and deputy GM shall be assumed respectively by the investors .

  10. 熟悉此事的人士还表示,中信证券倾向于引入一家国外投资者,因为只要基金管理公司有一家外国股东,49%的持股比例上限就不再适用于中方投资者。

    People familiar with the matter also said CITIC would prefer to bring in an investor from outside the country because the 49 per cent ownership cap would not apply to Chinese investors if the fund management company were to have a foreign shareholder .

  11. 但目前投资环境不成熟,包括中方在内的外国投资者对俄罗斯了解甚少。

    But the investment environment is not mature and foreign investors , including the Chinese , have little understanding of Russia .