
  • 网络Central Street;on Center Street
  1. 从整个海军第三舰队在圣地亚哥,亚太总部SPAWAR系统中心街道正在为海军和其他军种的数百个研究项目。

    Across the street from the Navy 's Third Fleet headquarters in San Diego , SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific is working on hundreds of research projects for the Navy and other military services .

  2. 广州南沙镇中心街道环境整治规划分析

    Analysis on the Planning for Environmental Improvement on the Central Street of Nansha Town , Guangzhou

  3. 旧镇新颜&广州南沙镇中心街道环境整治规划

    Old Town and New Landscape & The Environment Renewal Plan of The Central Street of Nansha Town

  4. 您可以更改的边界或在首都,有一个在中心街道钱改变。

    You can change on the border or in the capital , there is a money change street in the center .

  5. 他匆匆跑过镇子中心街道上的一家酒馆门前时,与从酒馆里出来的一个穿着一身黑的大汉撞了个满怀。

    As he was running past a pub in the main street , he accidentally bumped into a tall man in black coming out .

  6. 正午时分,车辆将伦敦市区中心街道堵得水泄不通,正如上下班车流高峰期的情景。

    The roads of central London are as clogged up with traffic in the middle of the day as they are at rush hours .

  7. 对上海市区和郊区城镇中心街道灰尘中铅的含量水平进行了研究,并应用克里格插值法分析了市区街道灰尘中铅的空间分布特征,结果表明:市区街道灰尘中铅的含量为28~4443mg。

    The content of lead in urban street dust of Shanghai is studied , and Kriging analysis is applied to analyze the spatial distribution of lead in street dust of urban area .

  8. 利用风洞试验、模式预测和现场监测的方法,对某城市中心街道交通隧道汽车废气的扩散特征作了模拟研究。

    In this paper , diffusion of vehicular tail gas from the underground traffic tunnel was simulated by the method of using the wind tunnel experiment and model calculation and spot monitoring .

  9. 这种观点在一定程度上建立在去年城市政府支持PRD好事者阻塞城市中心主要街道保护选举欺诈指控的行为。

    That view is based , to some extent , on actions taken by the city government last year in support of PRD militants who blocked major avenues in the city center to protest alleged election fraud .

  10. 上海松江中心城区街道绿化调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Street Green Space in Songjiang City

  11. 城市中心的街道总是很拥挤。

    The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested .

  12. 大连有许多特别的文化。例如大连的一大特色&以广场为中心,街道向四面八方辐射。

    Dalian features different unique cultures , one feature of which is to radiate towards four directions with the square as the centre .

  13. 该文对四川传统城镇的空间总体特征、城镇中心和街道空间特征进行了研究。

    This article researches on the space collectivity character , the center of the town and the character of the street space of the traditional town in Sichuan .

  14. 同时也为社区服务中心、街道办事处等类似机构服务质量的评价提供了理论指导。

    Meanwhile , it provides the study method and mode for the estimate of the service quality of the other analogy institutions such as the community-service-center , street office , and so on .

  15. 但在过去20年中,这些菜市场已从这些城市中心的街道上以及许多郊区地带消失。不断上涨的城镇地价、大规模的城市再开发以及卫生方面的顾虑,共同发挥作用,使这些市场消失。

    But , in the last 20 years , these wet markets have disappeared from the streets of these city centres , and from many of the suburbs , pushed out by a combination of spiralling downtown land prices , massive urban redevelopment and hygiene concerns .

  16. 城市中心区的街道设计策略

    A tentative exploration on the strategy for downtown streets design

  17. 但是附近的街坊社区却相当贫困,而且小中心附近的街道到处都是垃圾。

    However , the surrounding neighborhood is rather poor and the streets near the center are frequently littered with garbage .

  18. 有许多自行车停放场地,城市中心区大多数街道都设有自行车道。

    There are also plenty of places for bicycle parking and most streets in the city center have a bicycle path .

  19. 星期天的传递活动覆盖了深圳中心地区的街道,组织者鼓励市民观看并参加传递活动。

    The Sunday relay took-over the streets of central Shenzhen and organizers encouraged people from across the city to watch and take part .

  20. 利用上海市十所市级综合性医院、上海市区中心医院和街道医院的指标进行星级医院评审的尝试。

    Through analysis on ten comprehensive hospitals , twenty district center hospitals and fourteen community hospitals of Shanghai municipality , a Star System was brought forward in hospital performance evaluation . 2 .

  21. 通过对上海市三级综合医院、三级专科医院、二级区(县)中心医院、街道医院和乡镇卫生院的典型调查,考察了门诊和住院病人对卫生系统反应性的认识。

    A typical investigation on third-tier general hospitals , third-tier specialty hospitals , second-tier district or county central hospitals , urban community hospitals , and rural township health centers in Shanghai was conducted so as to examine the responsiveness of outpatients and inpatients to the health system .

  22. 他们步行穿过老城区中心弯弯曲曲的街道。

    They walked through the tortuous streets of the old city .

  23. 在城市的中心,风在街道边得高楼中刮起。

    The wind travels down the streets between tall buildings in the center of the city .

  24. 本文以上海陆家嘴中心区道路绿化调整规划设计的研究为例,对高密度城市中心区街道绿地景观规划设计中的若干问题作一探讨。

    This article takes " Landscape Adjective planning of Shanghai Lujiazui central district " as case , to probe into the design approaches of street greenbelt in high density central district .

  25. 随着我国高密度城市中心区的飞速发展,城市景观出现了新的面貌和特征,这对城市中心区街道绿地景观规划设计提出了新的要求。

    With the development of high density central district of our country , new situation and features crop up , which pose new challenges to street greenbelt design of central district .