
  • 网络neutrino oscillation
  1. 在中微子振荡中的CP破坏

    CP Invariance in Neutrino Oscillation

  2. 本文对中微子振荡的特征长度作了定义,并给出了中微子振荡的特征长度与混合角及CP破坏无关的证明。

    The definition of the feature length of neutrino oscillation and the proof that the feature length of neutrino oscillation is independent of the mixing angle and CP-violating have been given in the article .

  3. 大亚湾(DayaBay)反应堆中微子振荡实验中的本底主要来自于宇宙射线。

    Cosmic rays are the central background noise of Daya Bay reactor anti-neutrino experiment .

  4. 本文作为大亚湾反应堆中微子振荡实验RPC读出电子学系统项目工作的一部分,主要完成了其中光纤数据传输系统的设计、研制和测试。

    This thesis mainly discusses the design , develop and test of the optical data transmission system in RPC readout electronics for Daya Bay neutrino experiment .

  5. 为了研究极长基线中微子振荡,构造了一个大小为1m×1m×13m水基切伦科夫量能器模型。

    The water tank prototype with a dimension of 1m × 1m × 13m was constructed as a building block of the Cerenkov calorimeter for very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments .

  6. 2002年诺贝尔物理奖介绍:中微子振荡实验

    Outline on 2002 Nobel Prize of Physics : experiments of neutrino oscillation

  7. 太阳中微子振荡参数的精确测量和次级效应分析

    Precise Measurement of Solar Neutrino Oscillation Parameters and Analysis of Sub-leading Effects

  8. 在物质中长基线中微子振荡实验的非量子力学效应

    Nonquantum Mechanics Effect of Neutrino Oscillation Experiment of Ling Base Lone in Matter

  9. 引力场中的质量中微子振荡

    Mass Neutrino Oscillations in the Gravitational Field

  10. 中微子振荡与太阳中微子问题

    Neutrino Oscillation and Solar Neutrino Problem

  11. 由此提出长基线中微子振荡实验,论及它所能测量的物理目标和一些长基线中微子振荡实验的未来发展状况。

    Then the physical targets of the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments are discussed . Sec .

  12. 中微子振荡的特征长度

    The Feature Length of Neutrino Oscillation

  13. 中微子振荡是最近十年粒子物理领域最重要的成就之一。

    Neutrino oscillation is one of the most important achievements in particle physics in last ten years .

  14. 论真空中的中微子振荡特性

    Neutrino oscillation in vacuum

  15. 于是,它在传播过程中会发生味转化,即中微子振荡现象。

    So , they may transform into other flavors in their propagation , and this is the so-called neutrino oscillation .

  16. 尽管如此,标准模型还存在着种种缺陷,例如等级差问题,中微子振荡现象等等。

    Nevertheless , there are still flaws in the SM , such as the hierarchy problem , neutrino oscillation experiments and so on .

  17. 为了避免理论争议,在讨论中微子振荡问题时人们甚至可以避开味态,将中微子视为中间传播子。

    One can even avoid the flavor state for less theoretical controversies and treat the neutrino as the intermedial particle in the discussion of the neutrinos oscillation .

  18. 中微子振荡参数θ13是参数化振荡矩阵的六个基本参数之一,其值对未来的中微子实验,如测量混合相位角δ或者中微子质量等级具有重要意义。

    Among the six parameters of the neutrino mixing matrix , the value of θ 13is important to the future neu-trino experiments such as the measurement the mixing phase angle δ or neutrino mass hierarchy .

  19. 对θ13进行精确测量是下一代中微子振荡实验的重要任务之一,而我国的大亚湾反应堆中微子实验将在其中起到重要的作用。

    Precise measurement of θ 1 3 is an important goal in the next generation neutrino oscillation experiments . The BAYA-Bay reactor neutrino experiment located in southern China will play an important role in θ 1 3 detection .

  20. 论证了该量能器的光产额,总的探测效率,水的有效衰减长度和粒子入射角度依赖关系都能很好的满足极长基线中微子振荡实验。

    The light yield , the total light collection efficiency , the effective attenuation length and the angular dependent response of the tank are all good enough for the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment , and can be further improved .

  21. 中微子振荡机制已经被证实为太阳中微子缺失问题的合理解释,作为理论基础,我们在第三章中重点介绍了中微子振荡理论,并给出电子中微子在太阳内部具体传播行为的表述。

    The neutrino oscillation mechanism has been confirmed as the solution to the solar neutrino problem . We give a detailed introduction of the theory of neutrino oscillations and also a detailed description of solar neutrinos propagation in solar interior .

  22. 有些实验信号,如MINOS实验,表明中微子的振荡可能不同于反中微子的振荡。

    Some experiments signals , such as that of the MINOS , reveal that the oscillation of the neutrino is different to that of the anti-neutrino .

  23. 中微子混合、振荡参数计算及物理机制分析

    Neutrino Compounding and Oscillation Parameters Calculation and Physical Mechanism Analysis

  24. 大气中微子υμ振荡几率估算

    The Estimation of the Oscillation Probability of Neutrino V_ μ in Atmosphere

  25. 讨论了中微子混合,中微子振荡的基本原理和实验情况,定量地研究了真空中中微子振荡的理论,计算了中微子振荡几率和CP破坏效应。

    We have discussed the basic principle and the experiments of neutrino mixing and neutrino oscillation , and investigated quantificationally the theory of neutrino oscillation in vacuum , the neutrino oscillation probability and the CP violation effects .

  26. 中微子味混合和振荡是目前唯一得到诸多实验结果支持的超出粒子物理标准模型的现象,被认为是发现新物理的突破口。

    Neutrino flavor mixing and oscillation is the only evidence of physics beyond the standard model in particle physics supported by various experimental results and con-sidered as the key to search for new physics .

  27. 味态、能量-动量守恒、含时微扰等概念、定律和方法在中微子混合、中微子振荡的背景下变得不再简单、平庸。

    The concept of the flavor state , the conservation law of the energy-momentum and the time-dependent perturbation theory become non-simple and nontrivial in the background of the neutrinos mixing and the neutrinos oscillation .

  28. 其中中微子的质量问题和中微子振荡现象是研究的热门课题。

    And the mass of the neutrino and mass neutrino oscillations have become hot topics .

  29. 余下的一个描述电子-中微子和τ介子-中微子之间振荡的θ13被证明是难以捉摸的。

    The remaining one , theta-13 , which governs the relationship between electron - and tau-neutrinos , has proved elusive .

  30. 中微子质量,宇称不守恒,中微子振荡及其他

    Neutrino mass , parity violation , neutrino oscillation and other topics