
  • 网络Zhongyue Temple
  1. 今天的一些旅游景点,如中岳庙、少林寺、嵩阳书院、观星台,等中外驰名。

    Some of the tourist attractions of today , such as Zhongyue Temple , Shaolin Monastery , Songyang Academy , Observatory , etc , are renowned at home and abroad .

  2. 接下来又分析了中岳庙会中所体现出的道教文化,主要体现在中岳庙会保留的完整的古代建筑、庙会中药材交易的特殊意义和道教习俗和唱经歌并存的奇特现象。

    Next analyze Zhongyue Temple Fair reflecting the Taoist culture , mainly reflecting in the complete ancient building reserved , the special significance of the herbs transactions and the strange phenomenon of co-existence of Taoist practices and singing Buddhist songs .