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zhōnɡ xiǎo xué
  • Primary and secondary schools;middle and primary school
  1. 英国中小学的GIS教学

    GIS Teaching in English Middle and Primary School

  2. 构建中小学教学视导制度体系&基于教师专业化发展视角的一种微观分析

    Construction of Teaching Inspection Institution in the Middle and Primary School

  3. 我们已发起一场要求改善幼儿园和中小学教育服务的运动。

    We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services

  4. 博物馆和其他非正规学习机构可能比中小学更适合教授这种技能。

    Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools .

  5. 方法采用自编“中小学教师职业压力问卷”对536名中小学教师进行无记名调查。

    Methods A self-administered questionnaire was used to survey 536 teachers anonymously .

  6. 北京市公办中小学教师都将参加轮岗项目,促进教育优质均衡。

    Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing 's public school system will be required to take part in rotation and quality in the city .

  7. 此次治理意在遏制发生在中小学学生之间通过肢体、语言以及网络等手段实施的校园欺凌。

    The campaign aims to curb1 school bullying2 in primary and middle schools , including physical and verbal bullying . Cyberspace3 bullying will also be targeted .

  8. 强降雨和大风迫使吉林省长春市、松原市以及白城市的中小学及幼儿园关闭一至两天。

    In Jilin province , heavy rains and strong winds have forced many cities to close their primary and middle schools and kindergartens for one or two days , including in the capital city Changchun , as well as Songyuan and Baicheng .

  9. 美国中小学教学中的PBI模式研究

    Review on PBI Model of Teaching in American Primary and Middle Schools

  10. 分析了开展现代中小学校长培训的意义;

    Analyzed to open to emerge a meaning of principal training ;

  11. 开封市农村中小学体育教学有关问题的研究

    A Study on Kaifeng Rural Middle and Primary School Physical Education

  12. 建立在探索基础上的中小学数学教育回顾与展望

    Perspective for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics Based on the Research Literature

  13. 试论中小学武术教学改革的出路&从课程、教材、教师、学生角度进行探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Reform of Wushu in Primary and Middle Schools

  14. 研究结果发现:(1)当前我国中小学教师职业倦怠的程度并不严重,职业倦怠的核心指标情绪衰竭偏高。

    The degree of occupational burnout of teachers is not serious .

  15. 中小学信息技术德育教学实施

    Moral Education in Primary and Middle and School Information Technique Teaching

  16. 中小学教师心理健康与专业发展

    Mental Health and Professional Development of Primary and Junior School Teachers

  17. 中小学发展性教师评价初探

    The Nature Evaluation of the Teachers in Primary and Middle School

  18. 每个企业或中小学都需要建立一个内部文件服务器。

    Every business or school needs to create an internal file server .

  19. 农村中小学教师队伍建设研究

    The Construction of Teaching Staff in the Rural Primary and Secondary School

  20. 新课程体系视野中的中小学图书馆

    Primary and Middle School Library in View of the New Course System

  21. 制约中小学校长专业化的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Restricting the Specialization of School Principals

  22. 农村中小学教师反思能力的培养

    On the teachers ' self-inspection ability in rural middle and primary schools

  23. 开展中小学教师远程教育培训的指导思想与原则

    The Main Principles of E-learning of School Teachers In-service Education

  24. 规范民办中小学管理工作若干问题讨论

    On some issues of standardizing management work for nongovernment schools

  25. 浅谈中小学校长的领导意识

    On the Principals ′ Consciousness of Leadership in Primary and Middle Schools

  26. 关于加强中小学功能室建设的思考

    Consideration about Strengthening Functional Room at Grade and Middle Schools

  27. 维吾尔族中小学双语教育研究

    Study on Bilingual Education in Uygur Primary and Middle School

  28. 中小学教师糖尿病患病率及相关因素的对照研究

    Control Study on Prevalence Rate and Risk Factors of Diabetes in Teachers

  29. 中小学教师信息素养的现状和培养策略

    Current State and Cultivation Strategy of Teachers ' Information Literacy

  30. 海南中小学业余体育训练调查分析

    Extracurricular Sports Training Investigation Analysis of Hainan Primary Schools and Middle Schools