
  1. 近代中外教育交流活动探析

    China and foreign countries educational exchange activities exploring in modern times

  2. 中外教育合作项目将有助于打开这种文化和商业之间的屏障。

    Educational joint ventures will assist in easing cultural and business barriers .

  3. 克伯屈是20世纪美国著名的进步主义教育家,在当时的中外教育交流中扮演了一个重要的角色。

    William Kilpatrick is an American outstanding progressive educator in 20th century .

  4. 论中外教育研究中的生命概念

    The Notion of " Life " in the Chinese and Western Educational Research

  5. 大陆学者关于中外教育交流研究的现状

    The Current Status of Sino-Foreign Countries Education Intercourse Research

  6. 论交往理论视野下的中外教育交流

    On the Educational Exchange between China and Foreign Countries under the Communicative Theory

  7. 世纪之交的思考&中外教育思想高级研讨会综述

    A summary of the International Seminar on Educational thought

  8. 孔子的教育思想及其现代意义&在广州师范学院创校40周年复办20周年校庆中外教育思想高级研讨会上的讲话

    Confucian educational thought and its significance for today

  9. 要进一步扩大中外教育交流。

    Enlarge the interaction with the other countries .

  10. 如何培养专业化教师是一个值得中外教育界研究的课题。

    How to cultivate teachers is a concern of the Chinese and foreign education research .

  11. 中外教育教学的一些先进理念和理论,为我们提供了导向。

    Maybe we can find a direction from some western advanced educational principals and theories .

  12. 第二部分对陶冶教育在中外教育史上的思想脉络进行了梳理;

    The second part makes clear of thread of thoughts in Chinese and foreign education history .

  13. 中外教育专家学者以及有关领导参加了此次论坛。

    Chinese and foreign educational experts and scholars as well as the leaders concerned attended the forum .

  14. 国外教育改革及发展趋势中外教育实习改革的趋势

    The Developing Tendency of Education-Reform outside China Tendency of the Innovation of Education Practice in China and Foreign Countries

  15. 注重文化的开放性、民族性、互补性,促进中外教育、文化的交流与合作;

    To val-ue cultural openness , nationality and complementation and to promote educational and cultural exchanges and co-operation between China and the West ;

  16. 创造教学思想与教学实践在中外教育史上由来已久,先后经历了以教师为中心、以学生为中心、以课程为中心三个历史阶段。

    It experienced three historic periods , when the teachers , the students and the courses one after another become the center of it .

  17. 并热忱欢迎与国内外院校合作,为中外教育、文化的交流架起友谊的桥梁。

    Besides , we also interested in setting up bridges of communication and cooperation between the educational institutions in China and their international counterparts .

  18. 在中外教育史上,道德教育一直是教育的主题和核心。

    From the history of education in China and foreign countries , we can see moral education is always the core of the theme of education .

  19. 随着中外教育交流日益频繁和教育国际化趋势的日益增强,英语教学之外的专业英语交流及应用越来越受到人们的重视。

    People have focused attention on the application of English , primarily owning to the trend of more chances of global education communication and internationalization of education .

  20. 回顾中外教育史,在纷繁哲学思潮影响下主要有两种课程范式和课程观:一是课程开发范式及其课程观;

    Reviewing Chinese and foreign educational history , there are two course patterns and course attitudes influenced by various philosophy : 1.course developmental pattern and its course attitude ;

  21. 教师和学生在教学过程中的主、客体关系一直是中外教育哲学界争论不休的问题。

    The subject - object relationship between teacher and students is a topic which has long been discussed in the field of philosophy of education at home and abroad .

  22. 从中外教育发展史来看,应当教什么的问题始终是学校教育所要面对的首要问题。

    Looking from the Chinese and foreign education history , " must teach anything " the question is the most important question which throughout the school edition needs to face .

  23. 孔子学院本着相互尊重、友好协商、平等互利的原则,在海外开展汉语教学和中外教育、文化等方面的交流与合作。

    Guided by the principles of mutual respect , friendly consultation , equality and mutual benefit , Confucius Institute has conducted oversea mandarin teaching , educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries .

  24. 主要包括三个方面:加深了中国教育界对西方教育哲学的认识;为中国近代教育哲学的扩充提供了思想养料;为研究近代中外教育交流提供了一种研究视角。

    Mainly includes three aspects : to deepen the understanding of Western education in Chinese educational philosophy ; to provide some ideological nourishment for the Modern rich of Chinese educational philosophy ; provide a research perspective for the study of modern Chinese and foreign educational exchanges .

  25. 榜样教育是一种历久弥新的一种教育方法,在中外教育史上都曾发挥了净化心灵、弘扬正气、纠正社会风气、凝聚民心等积极作用。

    The model education has the glorious history and has been used frequently as a education method . Once played a good effect on the purification mind in the history , has brought honor to the healthy tendency , the condensation popular sentiment equivalence affects extremely .

  26. 有鉴于此,本文在传统的人力资本和公共物品理论的基础上,通过引入第三部门理论和对中外教育筹资体制的比较研究,重新分析了教育筹资的多元体制。

    Therefore , this dissertation reanalyzes the multi-funding system for education based on the traditional theory of human capital and public goods and by inducing the theory of the Third Sector , as well as comparative researches on the education funding system between China and foreign countries .

  27. 通过对中外教育史上教育家眼中的理想教师特质的比较,本文认为,理想教师形象应包括三个基本方面:理想道德形象、理想知识形象以及理想实践形象。

    After comparing the traits of ideal instructors in some educators ' eyes in the educational history of China and foreign countries , this dissertation points out that ideal instructors images should process three basic aspects : ideal moral image , ideal knowledge image and ideal practical image .

  28. 在中外教育史上,由于对生命内涵的片面理解,大多数教学只注重生命某一方面的发展,不同程度地违背了生命发展的规律。

    Life is not only jumping-off point of education , but also end-result of education . In educational history of China and foreign countries , most teachers only pay attention to a certain development of life and contravene law of life developing due to unilateral comprehension of life connotation .

  29. 加强中外数学教育交流&从了解ICMI开始

    Strengthen the Communication on Mathematics Education between Chinese and International Communities : Start from Knowing about International Commission on Mathematical Instruction

  30. 中外警察教育比较中的文化问题

    Cultural Problems in the Comparison of Domestic and Overseas Police Education