
  1. 统一高考制度的建立,是一定历史时期社会需要与考试自身发展的必然产物,是中国高校招生考试史上的创举。

    The establishment of the system of the College Entrance Examination is an inevitable outcome of social needs and the development of examination system .

  2. 从高等教育入学机会的分配标准透视教育公平问题&对新中国50年普通高校招生政策的历史回顾

    Perspectives on the issue of educational equity through the distribution criterion of higher education access opportunity & Review higher education admission policy since 1949

  3. 目前中国中学生虽然有希望考上大学接受高等教育,但却要面对中国的高校招生人数有限的问题。

    And , while middle-school students are offered the prospect of higher education , they are also confronted with the fact that university admission is limited .