
  1. 他是一个令中国骄傲的人。

    He is a man of whom China can be proud .

  2. 尽管中国骄傲的宣布,贫民区和棚户区相比其他发展中国家更少。

    As the country proudly claims , slums and shantytowns are rare compared with other developing countries .

  3. 尽管困难的时期已经成为不朽的记忆,但我们仍然应该具有强烈的心跳都会在感恩节,为什么不能创造者,而是为了我们的子孙,是中国骄傲!

    Despite the difficult times has become an immortal memory , but we should still creator with a strong heart go on Thanksgiving , not why , but for our children and grandchildren are proud of China !

  4. 他是中国的骄傲,也是中国的一个符号。

    He is arrogant in China , also is Chinese Symbol .

  5. 毫无疑问,神州7号是全中国的骄傲。

    Undoubtedly , Shenzhou VII is the pride of the nation .

  6. 是啊,他们确实是中国的骄傲。

    B.Yeah , they are the pride of China indeed .

  7. 刘翔,你将永远是中国的骄傲。

    Liu Xiang , you will always be the pride of China .

  8. 但是,这并不意味着西方政客需要迎合中国的骄傲。

    Yet that does not mean they should pander to China 's pride .

  9. 它是世界的一大奇迹,也是中国的骄傲。

    It is a wonder of the world and the pride of China .

  10. 她既是中国的骄傲,也是全球女性的骄傲。

    She is proud of China , but also the pride of women worldwide .

  11. 毫无疑问他是中国的骄傲。

    He is undoubtedly the pride of China .

  12. 他是中国的骄傲。

    He is the pride of China .

  13. 这一直很让中国人骄傲,并将其视作先进的象征。

    Chinese feel proud about it for long and regard it as a symbol for advancement .

  14. 它是中国的骄傲,也是我国从事超硬材料行业的工作者应该倍加珍惜的。

    It is the pride of China and the industry workers engaged in superhard materials should be treasured .

  15. 我为我的国家骄傲,为我的民族骄傲,为自己是名中国人骄傲!

    I 'm proud of my country , proud of my nation , proud of myself being a Chinese person !

  16. 杨利伟出色地完成了任务,全人类都应该为他和中国感到骄傲。

    Yang Liwei has done a great job and all the mankind should be proud of him and China as well .

  17. 我知道此次世博会是上海人民的骄傲,是中国的骄傲。

    I knew that it would be a source of huge pride to the people of Shanghai and all of China .

  18. 中国的骄傲人类文化的辉煌&简评《中国昆剧大辞典》

    The Pride of China the Splendor of Human Culture & a Brief Review of the Dictionary of the Chinese Kunqu Opera ;

  19. 更让中国人骄傲和自豪的是,体育锻炼、健身休闲提高了人的寿命。杭州运河沿岸休闲健身环境营建初探

    Physical training has increased the Chinese people 's life expectancy . On leisure and exercising environment making along the banks of Hangzhou canal

  20. 新加坡科学中心为当今的中国感到骄傲:7000年来的创新显示出这些示范领域,在这里中国人起着先锋作用。

    The Singapore Science Centre is proud to present China : 7000 years of innovation that showcases these exemplary areas where the Chinese have been pioneers in .

  21. 喜欢体育运动,艺术作品,追崇健康的身心、实的休闲生活。更让中国人骄傲和自豪的是,体育锻炼、健身休闲提高了人的寿命。

    Like the sports activity , the artistic work , chase high and healthy body and mind , realistic recreation . Physical training has increased the Chinese people 's life expectancy .

  22. 尤其是今年奥运会赛场上,田径运动员刘翔的那一枚沉甸甸的金牌,更是让我们骄傲、自豪,他不仅仅是中国的骄傲,更是整个亚洲的骄傲。

    In particular , this year Olympic games , athlete Liu Xiang , a heavy responsibility that the gold , we are proud , proud that he is not only the pride of China , is the pride of the whole of Asia .

  23. 另一名用户写道:“飞人终究是人,因此肯定会感觉到痛苦。但即使你跌倒了,你仍是飞人。刘翔,你将永远是中国的骄傲。”

    Another user wrote : " The flying man is after all a man and so must feel pain . But even if you fall , you still are the flying man . Liu Xiang , you will always be the pride of China . "

  24. 中国PCB的骄傲

    The Pride of PCB in China

  25. 20岁学生AkiChan表示:我以前比较喜欢英国人。但现在我为自己是一个中国人感到骄傲,为奥运会感到骄傲。

    " I used to like the British more . But now I am very proud of being Chinese , proud of the Olympics ," declared Aki Chan , a 20-year-old student .

  26. 亚洲再次为中国的成就骄傲。

    Asia proud cos of China once-again by achieving this mile-stone .

  27. 兵马俑是中国人的骄傲。

    The Terracotta Army is a pride of the Chinese people .

  28. 也许这种汽车会是中国人的骄傲。

    Perhaps this car will be the pride of the Chinese .

  29. 为一件事,中国人是骄傲的民族。

    For one thing , the Chinese are a proud people .

  30. 刘翔是所有中国人的骄傲。

    Liu Xiang is the Pride of all the Chinese .