
  1. 中国近代文化史研究的回顾和思考(1979-1999)

    Some reflections on the research of China s modern cultural history ;

  2. 在中国近代文化史上,辜鸿铭是一道独特的风景。一直以来,辜鸿铭因其对满清王朝的愚忠倍受讥嘲。

    In the cultural history of modern China , Gu Hong-ming has been always laughed at for his foolish loyalty to Qin Dynasty .

  3. 在中国近代文化史上、思想史上,高旭确实称得上是二十世纪初中国具有先进思想的知识分子中的一员。

    In Chinese modern history and ideological history , Gaoxu was really a member of whom had advanced idea at the beginning of the20th century .

  4. 林纾是中国近代文化史上一个具有传奇色彩的人物,他以众多的翻译小说在中国文学史上独树一帜。

    Lin Shu is a legendary figure in Chinese literature . He distinguished himself as a translator who introduced numerous Western novels to Chinese readers .

  5. 近年来中国近代社会文化史研究述评

    Summary of Recent Studies in Social and Cultural History of Contemporary China

  6. 他的思想体系&船山学说,对中国近代思想文化史产生了深远的影响;

    His system of thought-Quanshan theory , has produced profound influence on Chinese Modern thought and culture history ;

  7. 在中国近代思想文化史上,冯桂芬是个过渡性的人物。

    In the history of modern Chinese thought and culture , Feng Guifen was a feudalism capitalism transitional figure .

  8. 摘要中国近代城市文化史是一门综合性学科,也是近代文化史一个分支。

    The subject of modern urban culture history is either a comprehensive course or a branch of modem culture history .

  9. 对中国近代思想文化史上存在的许多难以解释的现象,用代际理论就能够予以很好的阐释。

    We can explain many historical events in the modern cultural history of China easily if we use the theory of generations .

  10. 胡适与钱玄同的交往和思想,从某一个方面反映了中国近代思想文化史发展前进的足迹。

    In a sense , the communication and the different thoughts between them is a reflection of the trace of the development of the Chinese culture and thought in modern times of China .

  11. 上海在中国近代文化发展史上占有举足轻重的地位,新式文化载体如报纸、出版、电影等在近代上海不断涌现并走向繁荣。

    The city Shanghai plays a significant role in the cultural development of modern China , and the new cultural medias like newspapers , publications and movies came into being and became prosperous in modern Shanghai .

  12. 然而,从清代中晚期开始,翡翠(硬玉)以后起之秀的姿态逐渐分享了和田玉的主导地位,并且在中国近代玉文化史上占据了重要的位置。

    However , since the middle and late Qing dynasty , Feicui ( jadeite ) became more and more important , and gradually shared the place of nephrite , and a jadeite jade culture ( Feicui jade culture ) has been formed in modern history .

  13. 本文讨论龚自珍尊情的思想内涵及其对中国近代文学史、文化史的贡献。

    This article discusses the intension of Gong Zizhen 's theory of " Emotion Supremacy " ( zun qing ) and its contribution to the history of modern Chinese literature and the history of modern Chinese culture .

  14. 在中国近代新文化的发展史上,涌现出了许多仁人志士,他们为了国家的进步和民族的解放,从文化的角度做了前仆后继的探索与努力。

    In the modern history of new culture , a lot of great figures had been constantly emerging , searching and working hard for the China 's development and the ethnic liberation from one generation to another .

  15. 加强对本选题的研究,有助于我们更加深刻的透视、把握中国传统文化在近代社会的发展趋势,加深对中国近代思想文化史的认识;

    It can help us to grasp the trend of Chinese traditional culture in the modern society .