
  • 网络China Chip
  1. 中国芯应从嵌入式微处理器IP核开始

    Embedded MPU IP Core Should be Developed in China

  2. 基于中国芯的SCDMA彩屏手机设计

    SCDMA Colored Screen Handset Design Based on " The Chinese Clip Group "

  3. 介绍了核心芯片(基带芯片与射频芯片)采用中国芯的SCDMA彩屏手机的设计与应用。

    This article introduces the core chip ( baseband chip and radio frequency chip ), uses " the Chinese clip group " SCDMA colored screen handset design and application .

  4. 中国芯的创造力

    The Creative Power of China Semiconductor

  5. 该芯片的设计成功使得中国芯家族又增添了一位新成员。

    The succession of the chip add a new member for the " chinese-chip family " .

  6. Air(初三适用)打造中国空调芯争做全球供应商

    Manufacture the core of Chinese air conditioner and Be the worldwide supplier

  7. 中国药芯焊丝行业现状

    Present situation of flux-cored wire industry in China

  8. 本文详细地研究了中国铅芯夹层橡胶隔震垫的基本力学性能。基本力学性能主要包括隔震垫的竖向、水平特性及极限承载能力。

    The paper provides the fundamental mechanic characteristics of Chinese lead rubbr bearings , which includes vertical , horizontal and extreme properties of rubber bearings .

  9. 过去一年里,高通(Qualcomm)与中国芯片制造商中芯国际(SemiconductorManufacturingInternational)合作开发先进芯片生产;

    During the past year , Qualcomm has partnered with the Chinese chip maker Semiconductor Manufacturing International to develop advanced chip production ;

  10. 在中国实验快堆堆芯出口处,从不同通道流出的冷却剂的温度存在差异。

    In the outlet of the core of the fast reactor , the coolant temperatures from different channels are different .

  11. 文章中采用大涡模拟的方法,对中国实验快堆堆芯出口混合区域进行建模,模拟冷热流体混合过程,并根据研究的重点,适当的对模型进行了简化。

    In this article , the mixing process of the hot and cold fluids from the outlet of the core in China Experimental Fast Reactor was simulated using the large eddy simulation ( LES ) model . Considering the focus of this research we simplify the model .

  12. DV创作大赛为第十八届中国儿童青少年威盛中国芯计算机表演赛选择性参加项目,选手须在报名时选报才可参与;

    DV Creation Contest is optional for the18th China Children Adolescent VIA China Core Computer Exhibition Game , which must be signed up by the players who want to join ;

  13. 中国芯片市场展望&从中国芯到世界芯

    Prospect of Chinese chip market