
  1. 新中国高考制度史研究综述

    The Review on College Entrance Examination System in New China

  2. 《中国政治制度史》是政治和行政学专业的基础课程。

    《 Chinese History of Political System 》 is a basic course for politics and executive science .

  3. 唐代租庸调制和两税法在中国赋役制度史和财政史上占有重要的地位。

    The Zu-Yong-Diao System and Two-Tax Law of Tang Dynasty played an important role in revenue system .

  4. 简论辛亥革命在中国政治制度史上的意义

    A Brief Discussion on the Significance of the Revolution of 1911 to the History of Chinese Political System

  5. 农村土地转让权的赋予以及农地流转的出现可谓是新中国土地制度史上的又一次重要改革。

    The right of the rural land transfer and emergence of the rural land transfer is an important reform in Chinese system .

  6. 辽代行政制度的二元化是中国政治制度史上一个颇具特色的现象。

    The dualization of the administration system of the Liao Dynasty was one of the most characteristic phenomena in China 's political system history .

  7. 立法与行政关系是近代以来人类政治生活中一对重要的政治关系,是近代中国政治制度史上引人关注的问题。

    The relationship between legislation and administration is an important political relationship in human political life since modern times , and also an attractive question in the political system in modern China .

  8. 严耕望(1916-1996)是我国现代史学史上著名的中古史研究大家,主要从事中国政治制度史及中国历史人文地理方面的研究。

    Yen Keng-wang ( 1916-1996 ) is a famous modern historian on Ancient Chinese History Study in China . He mainly engaged in the research of History of the Political Systems and Historical Humanities Geography .

  9. 外戚专权是封建社会常有的历史现象,它随着中国政治制度史的不断深入研究而被学者们重视的,外戚专权的研究有助于我们认识和掌握封建社会的政治制度的本质和规律。

    Dukes feudal autocracy is often historical phenomenon , it is the history of the Chinese political system as the deepening of being scholars emphasize the importance of the right of Dukes specifically help us to understand and grasp the political system of feudal society , the nature and law .

  10. 中国公文工作制度史研究

    Research on Chinese Official Document Working Regulations History

  11. 因此,秦的陵墓制度在中国古代陵墓制度史上占有重要的地位。

    So , Qin 's mausoleum system occupies the important position in the history of China 's ancient mausoleum system .

  12. 传统的中国古代政治制度史研究存在着内容单调,视野狭隘,方法老化,手段落后等明显不足,这种状况不利于政治制度史研究的深入。

    There are distinct disadvantages in the traditional study of the history of ancient Chinese political system : dull contents , narrow prospects , out-dated approaches and backward methods .

  13. 首次提出对中国学校体育制度史进行全面的研究,以弥补在学校体育史研究中对制度史研究的空白。

    The paper puts forward the idea that we should make an overall study of the history of the Chinese school physical education system for the first time to make up the blank research on the systematic history in school physical education .

  14. 论文研究了中国养老金制度的变迁史。

    The paper studies the changes history of Chinese pension institution .

  15. 保举连坐制度在中国古代职官管理制度史上具有重要的意义,对我国正在进行的机构改革以及干部铨选也有可鉴之处。

    The system can also be used for reference in the on-going institutional reform and official election .

  16. 在中国古代的监察制度史上,唐代的御史制度是官僚制中极具特色的一部分,且是成熟的典型的监察制度。

    As one characteristic part of Tang Dynasty 's bureaucrat system , Tang Dynasty 's YuShi system is the mature and typical one in the history of Chinese ancient time supervision institution .

  17. 从三个方面进行探析,首先唐代地方监察制度在中国古代地方监察制度史上具有继往开来的历史地位。

    It probes from three aspects . First it analyses the local supervisory system of the Tang Dynasty possessed the historic position of carrying forward the cause and forging ahead into the future in the Chinese ancient history of the local supervisory system .

  18. 它是中国古代史研究领域的创新之作,也是中国古代外交制度史的奠基之作。

    It is a original work not only in the study of ancient Chinese history but also in the study of ancient China 's diplomatic institutions .

  19. 清末新政作为中国政治制度近代化过程中不可缺失的一环在中国的政治制度史研究中有一席之地;

    The new deal as modern China 's political system can not process the missing link in China 's political system has a history research ;

  20. 它是根据孙中山五权学说建立起来的,它所推行的制度是对中国古代科举制与西方近代文官制度的改革与发展,在中国现代政治制度史上曾发挥过一定的作用与影响。

    Advocated by Mr. Sun Yat-sen. The system is the reformation and development to the imperial examination system in ancient China and to the civil official system in contemporary western countries , and it has ever exerted certain effect in the history of modem China political system .

  21. 作为中国传统法律最末的继承者和学习西方近代法律的开启者,清代司法在中国司法制度的发展史中居于承前启后的重要位置。

    As the last successor of the Chinese traditional law and the opener of studying the Western modern times law , the judicature in the Qing Dynasty resides in the key position of " carries on the task " in the history of Chinese legal system .