
zhōnɡ huá lǎo zì hào
  • China' time-honored brand
  1. 中华老字号是在数百年的商业和手工业竞争中留下的珍贵文化遗产,是中华民族的宝贵财富。

    China Time-honored Brand is in the hundreds of years of commercial and industrial competition left precious cultural heritage , is the precious wealth of the Chinese nation .

  2. 第二章从立法和实践两方面分析了目前中华老字号知识产权保护的现状,并在此基础上指出我国对中华老字号在知识产权保护方面存在的几点不足之处。

    Chapter II has analyzed the current status of the intellectual property protection of the China Time-honored Brand both from legislation and practice , pointed out some shortcomings of this status .

  3. 清河坊特色街区先后被授予“国家4A级旅游景区”、“中华老字号第一街”等荣誉称号。

    The Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Street has been given the title of National4A Tourism Spots and the Most Famous Street of Chinese Time-honored Brands .

  4. 中华老字号是属于中国的一种巨大财富。

    Time-honored national brands are a tremendoussource of wealth for China .

  5. 广州药业品牌管理案例研究&兼论中华老字号的发展

    A Case Study on Management of Medicine Brands in Guangzhou

  6. 品牌理论研究(3)北京中华老字号品牌寿命研究

    The Research on Life-span of China Old and Reputable Shops in Beijing

  7. 第一章对中华老字号知识产权保护的基础理论进行了简单地介绍。

    Chapter I has introduced some basic theories of China Time-honored Brand briefly .

  8. 上海有不少中华老字号的商店和工厂。

    There are a numBer of China 's time-honored shops and factories in Shanghai .

  9. 中华老字号品牌发展滞后原因及其对策研究

    Research on the Reasons and Countermeasures for the Lagging Development of China 's Traditional Brand

  10. 采用比较、归纳和演绎等方法,系统地对中华老字号品牌国际化的问题进行了研究。

    It systematically studies these issues with the methods of comparison , induction and deduction .

  11. 看中华老字号行现代品牌传播

    Modern Brand Communication of Chinese Historical Brands

  12. 我省有38家“中华老字号”企业,名列全国前茅。

    There are38 " Chinese Old Brand " enterprises in our province , ranking first in China .

  13. 如何拯救和促进中华老字号品牌发展成为一个重要问题。

    How to save and promote the development of China Time-honored brand has become an important issue .

  14. 中华老字号企业复兴的关键:创新力与控制力的动态统一

    Key to Rejuvenation of Old Established Firm : the Dynamic Unification of Innovation Ability and Control Ability

  15. 豫园中华老字号食品总汇将是您体验最具中国特色的最佳选择。

    In brief , the Chinese Time-honored brands food collection is your superior choice of featured specialty food .

  16. 部分中华老字号企业试水网络营销,经过不断的努力时间,取得了良好的效果。

    Part of them started to network marketing , after continuous efforts , have obtained the good effect .

  17. 现有的经济学理论和模型中缺少全面针对品牌的分析,导致品牌理论与实践的双重混乱。品牌理论研究(3)北京中华老字号品牌寿命研究

    The economics theory and models have not analyzed brand systematically . The Research on Life-span of China Old and Reputable Shops in Beijing

  18. 综上,本研究旨在通过基于消费者怀旧的中华老字号品牌激活的理论研究和案例分析,为企业的经营实践提供一定的理论指导。

    In conclusion , this study aims to guide the practice of the brand revitalization of China time-honored brand through theoretical research and case analysis .

  19. 东北老工业基地改革的路径依赖&兼论国企改革与制度刚性中华老字号品牌发展滞后原因及其对策研究

    The way to the Reform of Northeast China 's Traditional Industrial Base Research on the Reasons and Countermeasures for the Lagging Development of China 's Traditional Brand

  20. 基于符号消费视角的中华老字号符号营销策略&以红星二锅头为例将营销符号添加到您的工作流程图中。

    The Symbolic Marketing Strategy of Chinese Time-Honored Brand Based on Symbolic Consumption & Taking Red Star Erguotou as an Example Adds a marketing symbol to your workflow flowchart .

  21. 随后,从文化、经济和社会三个方面分析了对中华老字号进行知识产权保护的深远意义。

    Next , it concluded the far-reaching significances of the intellectual property protection of the China Time-honored Brand from three aspects , which are culture , economy and society .

  22. 而中华老字号的品牌资产特征使得通过消费者怀旧这一心理因素实现消费者认知、购买行为和忠诚建立等事半功倍。

    The brand assets of China time-honored brand are suitable for the use of consumer nostalgia in the process of the consumer perception , purchasing behavior and consumer loyalty .

  23. 论文介绍中华老字号的概念和历史特点、概述企业文化理论,在此基础上对中华老字号企业文化现状进行分析,研究中华老字号企业文化存在的问题,并对存在问题的原因进行分析。

    On this basis , this paper analyzes enterprise culture construction situation of the China Time-honored Brand and studies the problems of China Time-honored Brand enterprise culture and moreover analyzes the reason .

  24. 中华老字号是我国商业一种特有的称谓,一般指历史悠久、产品质量优秀、信誉好、有独特工艺或传人的优秀的民族企业。

    Time-honored brand is our country commercial a kind of special appellation , it generally refer to excellent national enterprise , which have long history , product quality excellent , good credit and have unique craft or transmission .

  25. 第三章比较了国际公约及以美国、德国和日本等主要国家对商号进行知识产权保护的情况,在分析的基础上总结出境外经验对我国中华老字号知识产权保护的启示。

    The Chapter III has introduced the situation of the intellectual property protection of trade names in international conventions and major countries such as the United States , Germany and Japan , then summed some experiences for our reference .

  26. 中华老字号食品是中国饮食文化的物的载体,它世代传承着优良的产品、技艺和服务,凝结着民族精神和我国优良的历史文化。

    China time-honored Brand Food is Chinese food culture objects vector , it passed from generation to generation with good products , techniques and services , condensation of the national spirit and an excellent history and culture of our country .

  27. 文章从生态的视角,对北京中华老字号品牌兴衰的原因进行了分析总结,并结合实例提出了促使北京老字号兴旺发达的对策和建议。

    The article analyzes the rise and fall reasons of China old and reputable shops in Beijing from the angle of ecology , based on which the authors put forward the countermeasures and proposals to promote these shops to be thriving .

  28. 若收购涉及“可能影响国家经济安全因素或者导致拥有驰名商标或中华老字号的境内企业实际控制权转移的”,潜在投资者需事先申报。

    Prospective investors will be required to report in advance any acquisition " where there is a possibility that it would affect national economic security , or lead to a change in control over a famous trademark or old Chinese brand " .

  29. 这样,不仅严重阻碍了中华老字号企业的传承与发展,也不利于我国市场经济的和谐与稳定。

    So , the violations of China Time-honored Brands are often occurs , which are not only have impeded the heritage and development of the China Time-honored Brand Seriously , but also is not conducive to the harmony and stability of the market economy .

  30. 同时,为加强研究的有效性和科学性,构建中华老字号企业文化建设水平评价指标体系和评价模型并应用于中华老字号企业文化建设水平实证中,使理论与实践密切结合。

    At the same time , for the purpose of validity and scientificity in research , the paper establishes evaluation index system and evaluation model of China Time-honored Brand enterprise culture construction and uses it to evaluate China Time-honored Brand enterprises , which makes the theory and practice combine closely .